🍋YouTube X Facebook Part 2🍋 //Slight Lemon\\

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Facebook sighs as he finished up the last of his papers at his desk. He was tired of all the writing he had to do. He looks over at the clock and saw it strike midnight "Geez I didn't even notice it was midnight.." He got up and straightened out the finished paper work on his desk. It was quiet in the office since he was the only one there. Or so he thought. He thought he might aswell get a quick cup of coffee in the break room so he wouldn't fall asleep when he drives home. He went to the break room and opened the door "Agh!-" coffee spilled on the ground. "What the-" he bumped into YouTube "My flower? What are you still doing here??" Facebook looked down at the Red app, confused of why he was still here so late.

"First, no more of the 'my flower' bullshit. And second, I was getting ready to leave but I just wanted to get coffee before I left. But now I'm gonna have to stay a little longer to clean up my suit AND the spilled coffee." YouTube said with obvious anger in his voice "hey hey calm down, you go clean yourself up and I'll just clean up the coffee mess" Facebook says and smiled at him "Ugh.." YouTube went past Facebook to go to the bathroom area to clean himself up. "Silly flower~" Facebook said to himself as he chuckled at YouTube. He got a few paper towels and kneeled down to the coffee spills "jeez the strong coffee too" he started cleaning up the coffee.

YouTube's P.O.V

"Ugh. He always knows when to come up at the right time. Now I gotts stay and clean myself.." He sighed to himself and took off his jacket, putting it on the sink counter. He looks in the mirror to see tue coffee spilled on him "this is defiantly gonna stain." He takes off his tie and unbuttons his shirt, taking them off and setting them aside on the sink counter. He gets a paper towel and rinces it with some water. He starts to wipe off the stains on his jacket first, while just thinking of Facebook and his little nickname he gave YouTube "why does he compare me with a flower?..If he's trying to flirt he could use a better nickname." He chuckled to himself and kept wiping his jacket, soon going to his shirt.

No One's P.O.V

Facebook finished cleaning the spilled coffee pretty quickly, and was just chilling out, leaning against the wall waiting for his little flower to come back "Might aswell check on my little flower~" He left the break room and walked to the bathroom area. "My flower?" He knocked softly on the door then opened it "are you do-" "AH!!!-" YouTube quickly covers himself with his jacket "WHAT THE HELL FACEBOOK!!!" YouTube's face was red as he was giving Facebook an angry look. Facebook's face went a little red "o-oh I'm sorry my flower I just didn't expect the door to he unlocked-" he stutters a little with his words and stared at YouTube, slowly looking up and down his body "but um.." Facebook cleared his throat "there is no need to be so embarrassed about this~ we're both males, right?~" he chuckles, as YouTube's only got more embarrassed "s-shut up and stop talking in that tone-" he looked away and his grip got a bit tighter on the jacket "do you need help?" Facebook walked in as the door closed behind him, he was standing over YouTube, looking down at him "n-no no no I'm almost done- get out." YouTube slowly lowers his jacket off of his body.

Facebook doesn't say anything, and just stares at YouTube's body. It was so...bare. No bites no hickeys no nothing. Facebook grins to himself and puts a hand on YouTube's shoulder "my flower~ you're so bare~~" he got close to his ear and whispers "Maybe I should fix that~" YouTube jumped a little in surprise at facebooks actions and quickly took Facebook's hand off his shoulder "W-What are you doing?!" He backed away a little, with a red face "hm? I'm just offering to not make your body so bare~" he got closer to YouTube, as he kept backing up Facebook only got closer, trapping the small app against the wall "think of it like painting~ your my empty canvas~~~ its only right for the artist to paint you~" he pins YouTube against the wall and immediately attacked his neck with bites "AH! Agh!- d-damn it Facebook quit it!" YouTube clenched his fists and was trying his best not to moan. Facebook's biting soon went to soft little nibbles, looking for YouTube's soft spot "shhh~~" he shushed him as he continues to search for his soft spot.

"Mmh-...a-ah~.." YouTube moans a little bit when Facebook went over his soft spot. YouTube's hands relaxed a bit, no longer being in fists "F-Facebook~.." YouTube whined a little bit as Facebook kept nibbling over his soft spot. "Let me hear more of your moans, my flower~~" he bites YouTube's soft spot roughly without warning "AHH!!~" YouTube moaned out loudly and was trying to keep his moans in. Facebook pulls his head back and licked his lips, admiring his now 'painted canvas'. "Much better~ Now the apps know who own you." He let go of Youtube. YouTube rubs his neck, feeling the hickeys and bite marks by Facebook aswell as panting a little "You have alot of nerve..to do this at work..." He glared at Facebook, with a blush across his face. He shrugged his shoulders and gave YouTube an innocent smug smile "Good thing I decided to claim my flower after work hours then" YouTube rolls his eyes and looks at him "why do you call me flower anyways? What do me and a flower have in common?" He asked and pushed past him going to the sink "easy! Your so delicate, sensitive, and just such a beauty to look at~" Facebook said and smirks "uh-huh...whatever.." YouTube puts his stuff back on, still a little stained but he had to work with it until he got home "anyways. Forget this EVER happened. And don't bring this up to anyone." YouTube said and folded his arms, giving Facebook an angry look "I promise my flower, me and you will be the only one's who know about this~" he winked and gave YouTube a quick kiss on the lips "I should get going. See you at work tomorrow~" and with that Facebook just left, leaving YouTube in the bathroom blushing.

YouTube felt his lips, blushing alot at what all just happened, including the kiss. "Idiot...How does my heart skip a beat for an app like him.."

Hope you guys liked this page! Sorry if its a little weird or so ^^' Leave requests in the comments for more storys like this!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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