Damn pt. 1

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Mötley crüe imagine, baby Tommy lee x y/n
Your P.O.V
I sighed, another lonely-ass night at the bar, which was clearly filled with others thinking the same thing.
Unless you call tequila a friend, like myself.
I was in a booth, all of the barstools were taken by either depressed looking men or high women; ensuring that I would definitely not get one.
"Motherfucker of a gig, dudes!!" Someone said loudly to their, I'm assuming, bandmates.
I brushed it off, most bands come here after they play. I began to feel the familiar burn of eyes onto my body.
With a taste of curiosity, I turned in my seat to discover my admirer.
I scanned the club and faced with a man whose eyes were stuck on me.
He was heavenly.
Raven black hair and dark eyes with a ripped leather jacket. He carried a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and had a cigarette was dangling out of his mouth.
He was accompanied by three other men whom had the same 'bad-boy' traits.
I found myself blushing profusely and smiling like an idiot. He seemed to like it and nudged the guy next to him and pointed me out to him. I felt my cheeks go redder and I slumped back into my booth.
My heart was beating faster than NASCAR drives. The possibilities were endless.
Would he ignore me?
Would he come and talk to me?
Or worst of all, would he treat me like a groupie?
I grabbed my bottle and chugged about a fifth of it. The burn seemed to soothe me.
I held my eyes closed and inhaled sharply.
"Drink much?" A light and unfamiliar voice said.
I opened my eyes out of shock and realized it was him.
Even better up close.
He smirked and did a 'come here' hand motion to the guys that were still on the other side of the bar. If possibly, they came running.
I began to blush deeply and cover my cleveage with my forearm.
"If you don't mind me saying, sugar, keep 'em out." He smiled and licked his lips as the boys came to stand around the booth.
"You can sit down if you'd like." I gushed politely.
The man who had a bottle of jack sat next to me and the blonde next to him. The other two sat on the other side.
"What's ya name, darling?" He asked hand dancing around the neck of his bottle.
"Y/n. I know it's not the prettiest, but-"
"Y/n, shut the hell up. I think it's sexy."
I blushed and the boys across from me erupted in 'oohs.'
"You too, fuck-face." He scowled at the taller boy across the table.
"So ya think my name's sexy? Well, you can have some for a price.." the man smiled manically and traced his body with his hands, making the table erupt with laughter.
"And I am the glorious Nikki fuckin' Sixx." Nikki smiled and pretended to bow, "That blonde bitch is Vince..." Vince poked his head around Tommy's torso, smirking with a wink, "And last, but not tallest, Mick Mars."
"Fuck you, Tommy." Mick smirked mischievously and looked over at me, "Hey y/n, wanna go dance with me?" 
What could I say?
"Hey Mick, how ab-" Tommy snarled and was interrupted by a smirking Mick.
"Let her speak for herself."
I scanned the possibilities and shrugged, "Let's hit it."
I nudged Tommy to scoot over, and he did so with a frown, along with Vince.
Mick followed and took my arm once he got out.
He led me to the dance floor where they played the song "Jump" by Van Halen.
I began to swing my hips to the beat and felt hands cup them and a body pressing and swinging against mine.
I turned my head to see Mick who had a grin slapped on his face.
"Hey, come here.." Mick did a 'come here' motion with his finger.
I turned around and he lowered his sunglasses and smiled.
"Y'know Tommy, right?"
"Yeah," I answered with a confused face.
"Well, he is into you. A lot. I'm tryin' to get him to grow a pair and ask you by making him jealous..." Mick sounded discouraged by his own goals.
I felt clustered, my thoughts were unorganized and floating by like clouds.
'Does he like this about me?'
'What if we get together?'
I imagined sex with Tommy and felt my cheeks turn red.
"So let's keep dancing, just turn it up a notch,'Kay ?" Mick raised his eyebrows and bit his lip.
I smiled gingerly and let Mick grab my hips once again.
The song fell to an end and my hands went to my thighs as I swayed and got low.
Mick laughed, "He's having a reaction,alright!"
I smiled and looked over at our booth where Tommy had a pissed off expression on his face. He was taking frequent swigs of jack, and Nikki was teasing him.
"I think I should go over there." I said out of curiosity.
Mick answered, "Just a little more."
I stretched my legs outward in a sex like position, and saw Tommy smirk.
Mick sighed, "I'm going to be frank, this is clearly not enough. Gotta get him pissed."
I nodded, danced along to the next song, which was probably by poison.
I grabbed Mick's hair and tugged it a little, and Mick's cheeks went pink.
Apparently he liked that.
Tommy definitely did not.
Tommy got up from the booth and strode over to us and pushed Mick aside.
"Okay, darlin'. You have to know that this fucker doesn't deserve you...too good. And trust me, you're mine."
I felt myself blush and gazed at Mick.
Mick looked back at me with a 'I think it worked' expression.
Tommy grabbed my shoulders and spun me to the booth.
I giggled lightly, and Nikki began to clap, along with Vince.
"...fucking quit." Tommy seethed at the two.
Mick followed us, and nodded at Nikki and Vince.
"Hey, Y/n. I think it's suitable that we hit the road...I will take you home if you want." Tommy said with a dark, lust-filled glimmer in his eyes.
That got me very horny...and now all I want is Tommy.
"Okay..." I answered with a small smile.
I was ushered into my seat again by Vince, whereas Tommy pulled me back.
"I had better take this gem home." Tommy smirked and grabbed my hand.
"'Kay, see ya later, baby-makers!" Nikki half-smiled and winked at me.
I blushed harder and felt Tommy's hand pulling me towards the door.
He rushed me to a well-monitored car, where he opened the passenger door for me and let me inside.
I crawled in and Tommy got in from the other-side.
"Y/n, I need you to know that I want you to go out on a date with me. Other than that I...I'm really horny."
I blushed uncontrollably and sealed my eyes closed, and I felt his hand cup my cheek.
"Please?" He asked in a dark, desperate voice.
"Of course I will. And for the...other thing...I have been wanting you..." I sighed feeling his other hand on my other cheek.
I was pulled close to him and he began to kiss me deeply, exploring my mouth with his tongue.
I opened up to his kiss, letting him bite my lower lip.
The sexual tension was so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife.
I moaned at the feeling of him going over the sensitive spots in my mouth.
He groaned and pulled away, a single strand of salvia trailing down his chin.
"Let's go to my place." He jammed it and sped around the corner of the bar. (jam it means to go really fast :)
The feeling of the car switching gears vibrated the seats, making me moan a little.
Soon we were in front of an apartment building.
I hastily unbuckled and Tommy pounced on me.
He dominated my tongue with his own, nipping at my lower lip.
As his body was pressed against mine, I felt a pressure of something on my thigh.
Holy shit...that's his...
We broke apart and were breathing heavily.
"You wanna take this inside?" He moaned into my ear.
I nodded, beginning to feel my need increase.
'Why am I doing this?'
I answered my own question, 'because you want it.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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