Hot Gentlemen & Vanilla Latte {1}

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'And So The Adventure Begins'

❄️Courtney P.O.V❄️

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

My phone blared at the ungodly hour of 3:26 a.m. just when I was slipping into a deep slumber after an arduous day of work and catching up on my studies. Life wasn't simple when you were a college student living out of your earnings, and that was pretty much the same with me. Though I didn't lead an extravagant life, I had enough and that was comfortable. I shuffled on my bed to find my phone and it read 'Devil Woman a.k.a Boss'.

What a privilege to be called by her at this time as if she hadn't tortured me enough at work. I answer her call nevertheless only for her to not speak anything back.

It wasn't new for her to call up people on her call log when she was drunk and wasted, wasting no more time on that, I snuggle back into the comforts of my bed.

If felt like I hadn't even slept a minute when my alarm blared near my headboard signalling it was high time I got up.

Going about my morning routine as soon a possible and made me some healthy sandwiches and drank a glass of orange juice and got ready as soon as possible

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Going about my morning routine as soon a possible and made me some healthy sandwiches and drank a glass of orange juice and got ready as soon as possible.

Going about my morning routine as soon a possible and made me some healthy sandwiches and drank a glass of orange juice and got ready as soon as possible

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My outfit consisted of a light yellow dress along with an apron and boots, once I was ready I dashed out of the door. I made my way to the bus stop and waited for my regular bus to arrive, and I was at my workplace in less than 10 minutes.

I'm usually the first one to come to the cafe, so I usually open in up, check if all the tables and chairs are arranged properly and whatnot. We don't usually have customers very early in the morning, so I wasn't expecting anybody when I was still neatly laying out the forks and spoons on each table.

The door chimed signalling we had customer, and I immediately went to attend to them. Our cooks hadn't arrived yet, and my cooking wasn't anywhere close to how well the cooks went about their work. But the customers had to adjust with my cooking in case the cooks didn't drop by till then.

I dropped by the table my customers had chosen to greet them and take their orders, and damn. God must have taken so long to create these two perfect specimens. No distractions, during work, so I pushed that thought aside and greeted them as usual.

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