First Day of the Last

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Today is the last week of school and I'm so excited. Today is Monday, of course, so it is the beginning of the week but for once it doesn't matter because I'm a senior. Every senior student gets to do anything they want the last week of school except skip more than two days. Today I want to look nice so I decide to put on some makeup and a nice yellow sun dress.

Have I mentioned I haven't ever had a serious boyfriend. I think dating is overrated and immature until a certain age. That certain age is 18 but I still don't think I want to. I hate seeing all these girls practically sucking their boyfriend's faces off I mean that's pretty gross in my perspective.

After I got to school I sat down by my friend Melody.

"Hey." I said

"Hey. Guess what."


"This is our last week as high schoolers!"

"I know." I sighed.

"This may sound like I'm being sentimental or something but I wish we could have done something fun that would make us remember or high school year."

"You know I kind of agree with you."

"We could, honey, but I don't think you'd want to remember that one." Our best friend Frankie joked.

"Hello Frankie." I said laughing because I know he wasn't talking to me. Melody blushed furiously and smacked him on the shoulder.

"What?" He defended "A guy can try."

Frankie has liked Melody since probably middle school when he came here. He literally adores her and she just ignores it. The problem is she likes him to.

The rest of the day until sixth period was pretty fun due to us all having the same classes all day. Then of course someone had to come in and ruin my perfect day.

"What kind of name is Winter anyway?" He asked

"What do you want Chase?"

"Your undying love." He replied sarcastically.

"What do you really want?" I sighed.

"I need you to take me to your house so I can ask your mom something."

"Fine. Lets go." I said angrily.



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