Why Can't He Just Leave Me Alone?

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I stayed in my room the rest of the night and had a nice sleep. I finally got to annoy him and I was proud of myself. When I went downstairs in the morning after doing my routine I went into the kitchen and made some poptarts. I heard my mother talking to someone so I went to see who it was after I was done eating. I dropped my bag I was carrying and stared strait in front of me.

"Chase, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't give me a chance to explain last night. He's staying with us for a while until he can find a place to live. Since he is my employee I can't let him live in a box." My mom said.

Did I mention that he works for my mom as an assistant. He takes care of all or my mom's personal needs. Great.

"Well isn't this just great?" I stormed out the door.

"Winter, can you take Chase to school?"

"Why, sure I can. Do you want me to get him a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks while I'm at it?"

"Winter don't be so sarcastic."

"Yes mom."

*                      *                      *

"What's your favorite color?"

"Do you ever be quiet?" I said in frustration.

"Just answer the question."

"Blue." I sighed.

"No way, which kind?"

"Sky blue, why?"

"That's my favorite color."


"Why are you in such a bad mood?"

"Hello we have been sworn enemies since like preschool."

"Hey you're the one who smashed a rock on my head." He defended.

"Your head shouldn't have been in the way." I replied simply.

"Are you always in this bad of a mood?"

"No, only when I'm around you."

"Harsh much?"

"Yeah I guess I am."

With that he stopped talking to me and just rested his head on the window.

He spoke up when we got out of the car.

"You don't have to take me to your house or to school anymore. I can get mine from my house. I can get someone else to take me to my house."

"Ok." I replied and walked away.

I went to my homeroom and started talking to Melody and telling her everything that had happened.

"Why are you complaining? You have the hottest guy in our whole school living in your house and you're complaining?       What is wrong with you?"

It is true he is the hottest person I have ever seen in my life. With his perfect dirty blonde hair never a stray hair or his blue eyes. Not to mention his perfectly toned body. He is most definitely the hottest person in our school.

"That doesn't even matter. He is a total jerk. I don't want him living in my house." I said stubbornly.

"I thought you guys used to be friends."

"Well that changed. We are most definitely not friends anymore."

Do you remember when I said I hadn't ever had an actual boyfriend? Well that was his fault. In my middle school year he told everybody, even my crush specifically, that I was a lesbian. It took a long time to prove that I wasn't a lesbian to everyone. Since then I haven't had a boyfriend.

"You will be fine. At least try to live with him. If you can't just come to my or Frankie's house and stay."

"Ok, fine. But if he even mentions eighth grade I am going to chop his head off."

She just laughed as school started and we walked to first period together.

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