Black Rose Garden

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(Before you begin reading this please do not hesitate to give me criticism! I am still learning how to write good so please say as much as you desire!)

It was a rainy day outside. The wind howled while the rains pitter patter let everyone indoors know about its appearance. No one was outside at this time for most people in the area were scared of getting sick or slipping. All was quiet at this hour for most were sleeping peacefully in their beds. All but one.

Vash Zwingli. The personification of Switzerland. He always acted tough and dangerous but he really had a soft spot. He always cherished his sister and animals and nature. He was very handy with guns yes but only used them when necessary. Harming someone for no reason was not something he would want to do.

Speaking of the country he was currently outside in a garden of black roses. Most people avoided this area since it was said to be haunted and scary but Vash found it comforting. The black roses and quietness was what made it enjoyable.

He was currently looking at a black rose with thorns and smiled softly as he twirled it around between his fingers. He didnt care if he got a splinter or prick he just wanted to enjoy this moment in the rain with these flowers alone peacefully.

His sister Lilly the personification of Liechtenstein was currently staying with her friend Natasha the personification of Belarus and Vash didnt mine. In fact, it made him happy to see his sister so happy with someone. Sure she said Natasha was only a friend but Vash suspected something more. Of course he would never say anything to her though.

The smile on his sisters face whenever the countries name was spoken always brightened up his day. Lilly was one of the only people who ever saw his good and sweet side. Vash found it quite funny how he would only open up to one person. Or what used to be two people.

Vash's smile faltered as he thought about this. His past friend, Roderich. Roderich was the personification of Austria and they used to be such great friends when they were younger. Vash would always push Austria to train harder and work harder but to no avail. Still, he cared about the country and never wanted to leave him.

He always told Roderich his secrets and feelings and gossip because he trusted the country. But then one day due to something between their bosses they had to split up. It hurt Vash dearly but he never let it show.

In fact he was mad at Roderich. He was mad because Roderich let it happen. All those years he thought the country would stay with him and never let anything come between them but Roderich did.

He remembered it vividly. Roderich and him hanging out when suddenly their bosses began to drag them away from each other. Vash reached out for Roderich while the other country just walked with his boss and didnt look back at all.

He let go eventually but it was still something that stayed with him. Vash looked down at the rose he was holding still glad to see it was okay. He would always care for things like these because they made him feel wanted.

Black roses almost reminded him of himself. Not many people want Black roses. And if they do they just let them die or rot. And that's where they were similar.

Many people who knew Vash or wanted him would treat him well at first but then grow distant and let him die and rot. And then the rest just left him alone dying. He hated it a lot.

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