White Rose Garden

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(Welp for once in my life I am writing OK quality fanfiction. My ancestors must be so proud 😂)

Many people in this situation would have just stood there and listened. Maybe act scared. Or they would just calmly pull away. But that was not what happened.

"Let go stupid Ass-trian" Vash said coldly. He had no wish to stay there and listen to whatever Roderich wanted to say. He tried pulling away but failed miserably. (If you get this musical reference I love you)

Roderich only sighed before looking up at Vash. "I just want to talk. We haven't talked in a long time. At least go to lunch with me so we can discuss this?" Roderich asked pleadingly. He had so much he wanted to tell his old friend.

Vash sighed before looking up at him. "Fine. Only because I like saving money." He said flatly. Roderich let his hand go smiling. "That was easier than I thought. OK meet me outside the store in two hours okay?" Roderich said.

Vash nodded reluctant but didn't want to disappoint the austrian. Maybe he was a little too harsh? Maybe he should come and give him a chance to explain himself? Gosh this was too complicated for Vash's liking.

As the two departed and went their separate ways with Roderich feeling happy and excited and Vash feeling anxious and weird they thought about what might happen. Will they fight? Will the cry? Will the eat ice cream? Only god knew.

Vash sighed as he entered his house to see Lilly and Natasha on the couch watching a movie together. He chuckled slightly as a jump scare popped up and Lilly freaked out and clung to Natasha who was now a blushing mess. Definitely "Just Friends"

Vash walked up the stairs to his room and thought about what to wear. Something comfy for sure. Maybe something pastel? Hmm maybe. Vash liked the idea of that.

Quietly as not to disturb his sister or Natasha he slipped on a pastel green Sweater that hung off the shoulder and a pair of white leggings. He looked in the mirror for a moment before signing in relief. This looked okay.

Vash walked down the stairs again quietly slipping on his coat and boots about to open the door before hearing a sassy comment from a certain country.

"Big brother are you going on a date without telling me?" Lilly snickered along with Natasha who laughed along. Vash huffed before turning around. "And so what if I am? Hmm?" Vash asked crossing his arms.

Lilly just looked flabbergasted. "W-Wait really!? You HAVE to bring them over for dinner next week at least!" Lilly said her eyes lighting up. Natasha just stared at Lilly lovingly.

'Shit' was all Vash could think. His sister thought he had a date!? Maybe he should just confess and say he was kidding but the look in Lilly eyes made him fell pressured. He sighed and looked Lilly in the eyes. "Fine I will!" He said walking out the door and shutting it.

Wait, he doesn't even have a stupid date how is he going to do this? He began to walk towards the store thinking in his head. He was doomed. When Lilly found out he lied she would heart broken. Ugh why did he say what he said?

He suddenly crashed into something or more like someONE. Vash fell backwards hitting the ground on his bottom awkwardly. He stood up about to cuss out who had stood in the way but noticed it was Roderich, the Ass-trian.

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