chapter 4: all around

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Chapter four: all around

I couldn't imagine how my father would die in front of me... I wanted to know who killed father... I wanted answers now! Not soon, now! I don't want to be cooped up in this place any longer! I screamed loud enough for the whole mansion to hear me and to hear the desperate agony I was throwing all over the room, how could I stay here and wait to be killed? I needed to find out the truth, and by doing that is to go outside. I got up from my position and took Kirara with me, just for safety. Without knowing if somehow I too can be killed by all these people who've gone mad, I don't want to die here by myself.
Slowly, I opened the door revealing an empty hall. I gulped and shivered by the darkness, I went to the main hall only to find the two of the creatures crawling around in the main hall, 'holy! How am I going to get passed them?' I said in my head, quickly I ran down stairs and went to the small library on the right of the stairs. I went there and started to search for something to protect me. The fire in the fireplace burned high and furiously, a small cry of a child was heard. I wondered if the cry was real or not, so I shook it off and went to the box on top of the bookshelf, "Kirara, can you try and knock it off?," I asked her and she meowed in response, I lifted her high enough to let her jump, "ok Kirara, push that box off the shelf," I said and went to a safe distance from the shelf in case if it had anything dangerous things in it. Kirara pushed the box not too hard but hard enough to let it fall, the box reached the bottom and I went to it to see what was inside, "all of this is junk," I said and I came across something sharp, I wondered what it was but I was too late to know what it was. I accidentally cut my finger a bit, and a red liquid slid down my finger as if yearning for freedom out of my finger, "that must've hurt," I said to myself but somehow I feel like I know this pain, I don't know how but I know it. I heard a scratch on the big painting of Mona Lisa and I went towards it and examined it, a creature tore the painting from behind and jumped on me, "what small prey I've got, what shall I do to you?," it said and I tried to reach for the sharp object that was near me, but the creature pushed it away, "now, now, we don't want you to get hurt again don't we?," it asked and Kirara jumped down from the shelf and hissed, "what a cute little kitten, soon both of you will be dead!," Kirara soon burst into flames and somehow got taller and scarier, "Ooh, this is fun! I get to have a buffet in front of me!," Kirara pushed the demon off of me, and I had the chance to grab the sharp object that was pushed far from me, "thanks Kirara," I whispered and Kirara growled and ran to the demon and trued everything to keep him busy, I ran to the sharp object and grabbed it. I looked back to Kirara and she was thrown to a wall and so the demon charged after me and I gathered my courage to kill it.

"Liar!," Inuyasha yelled at me, "I'm not lying! I remember what I did that night before I turned into this!," I snapped at him and to be honest, I don't remember quite well what happened. It seemed like a blur of a memory, a fragment of some sort, "keep going then, wench," he ordered and I continued with the story.

the demon came at me and tried to bite my flesh off, I stabbed the creature several times until it stopped breathing. I pushed the creature off of me and looked at Kirara, she growled at me and I wondered why. I went to the mirror that was in the library and examined the girl in it, her face has blood, her dress soaked in blood, her pretty hair drenched in blood. She looked scared like if someone died, but that girl was me. I took a quick look at myself and saw what a mess I was, "oh no.... I'm bloody... I'll get scolded...," I said as I looked at the object in my hand, "I killed something, with this.... Knife?," I questioned, how could I have known what a knife was? I've never seen one or touched a knife. I shook off the wonder and looked at Kirara and wiped the blood off my face, "let's go, I can't handle this thing in here," I say and she only meowed and hopped towards the door, we both left the room and once we were out we saw a doll... She was holding a knife between her tiny hands, I stood still for a moment and she left. I sighed in relief and continued my way to find Naraku and leave this place.

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry I haven't been updating any of my books but trust me when I say this. It's not easy but hard to be a teenage girl taking a lot of exams in highschool, but I do promise to try to update my books once in a while. Thank you for reading this chapter, au revoir!♥

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