Pretty Kitty's Birthday: Part 1

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Chapter 5: Part One

*Adam's POV*

A month later

It's been a month since me & Tommy had been together & it's Tommy's birthday, today. I been planning to take Tommy on a date, I hope he won't refuse. He isn't comfortable with telling The Glamberts about us. We haven't even told the band. I'm afraid that the band will find out & they'll judge Tommy, because he suppose to be the 'straight' guy. He's still in the closet, so I don't want to rush him into having an open relationship. I love him with all my heart & soul. Even if that means taking years to tell the world. I finished putting on my shoes & I wrote a note for Tommy. Just incase he wakes up. I don't want Tommy to start panicing like the last time...


Me & Tommy went to a bar after, a successful night of performance. We took our seats, in the booth & we ordered our drinks. I don't drink really, but if we're celebrating I only have a couple of drinks. I took a sip & the alcohol burned in my throat, that's strong. Tommy saw me & started laughing.

"What?" I asked

"Not used to it?"

"No, I don't drink too much," I replied

"It's okay, you don't have to drink," he pat my back. I pulled his hand from the counter & intertwined our hands, but Tommy slip his out.

"Trust me," I said, he nodded & our hands met again.

I understand that's he afraid, I'm afraid too, but he can trust me. Music started playing & it was my favorite. I pulled Tommy to the dance floor. He shook his head 'no', but I made him come with me. I started moving with the music & as he did too. Once the song was over, he still wanted to dance, so I let him. He danced with all his heart out, I didn't know he could dance because he usually kept to himself. I catch a glimpse of red hair (if you know who see is plz comment) think I see a friend of mine. I excuse myself from Tommy, I went to follow the hair, it could only be one person I know. I finally reached the person & pat her on the shoulder. She turned around to relieve I was right.

"Adam?" she hasn't changed a bit.

"Hey, Allison," she pulled me into a hug, which I gave back. God, I really missed her.

"It's so good to see you, again!"

"You too, I missed you, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, I'm working on a album, I heard yours came out earlier."

"Yeah, I know, it's great to see you again."

"Let me give you my phone number."

"But, I already have yours."

"I got a new phone," I gave her my phone & she dialed in digits & gave it back to me, "Bye, Alli, it's good to see you," I gave her one last hug before I have to get back to my Pretty Kitty.

"Bye, Adam," she turned & disappear into the bar.

I walked back towards the dance floor trying to look for Tommy. I kept searching, even calling his name. I can't find him. I asked a person if they seen a blonde hair guy with half his hair shaved. He said 'no'. Oh, no I've been gone to long, I should've him with me. I looked everywhere, so I checked the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom, I heard crying, Tommy's cry's. I followed the cry's to the last stall, I opened the door, why didn't he lock it? I see Tommy with head down & crying.

"Tommy," I called out.

He raise his head up, "Adam?" he got up & ran towards me. "I thought you left me," he cried.

"Tommy, you know I would never leave you. Nothing in this world can. You're my one true love. The person who always by my side, makes me smile & always look forward for the day. You're my Glitterbaby," I pulled him into kiss, "I love you, forever."

"I love you, too," he hugged me as I hugged him with all my heart.

End of flashback

Seeing him break down is horrible. I promised myself I would never leave his side or let anybody hurt him. I got a bouquet of flowers for him &  the coffee. I knock on the door & waited for Tommy to open the door. I hid the bouquet behind my back, soon, enough he opened it, he smiled & let me in.

"Hey, Adam," he closed the door.

"Happy Birthday, Glitterbaby," I pulled the flowers from behind me.

"Adam," he smiled & started blusing.

"Read the card," he took the card off the ribbon.

Happy Birthday, Tommy

    I love you with all my heart. I can't stand being without you or seeing your smile. You keep me going & found a reason to exist.
                                 Love, Adam

"Adam, I-," I cut him off by kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled back.

"You don't have to say anything," he smiled,"I love you."

He blushed, "I love you, too," he  pulled me into a kiss. We both pulled away.

"I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" he intertwined our hands.

"Do y-you want to," I stopped.

"What, say it Adam," he looked deep into my eyes.

"Do you want to go on a date with me," he pulled apart his hands from mine.

"A-adam, I can't, the f-fans," he stepped back from me.

"I'm sorry, I asked you. I just want to know, if you wanted to," I opened the door & walked out. I closed the door behind me & slid down on the wall. I'm so stupid, what did I even ask him? I just wanted go out with him, so we can be together. I'm so pathetic. I heard the door open & I see Tommy kneeling down in front of me.

"Adam, I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I should've known you weren't ready. I'm the one who's to be apologizing," I put my head down.

He lifted my chin & placed his lips upon mine. We're in the hall anybody could see us, he pulled away, "I trust you & yes, I would like to go on a date with you."

"Are you sure," I looked into Tommy's eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure," he smiled.

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