Leaving the Village for Good. (Preview Chapter)

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-Prologue (you can skip this if you want)-

I tried many times. Many attempts to leave the village, but all of them failed miserably. I was either caught or I caught myself, if you get what I mean. See, I have this...'Addiction'. Killing innocent villagers. For some reason, it satisfies me, like the way you're satisfied if something goes your way. I'm afraid that one day I'll hurt someone that is close to me, I can't control myself. When I think about the villagers, innocent thoughts quickly fade away and darkness shrouds the cloud of innocence. I asked TenTen to tie me up to my bed, even. That didn't work. I would just wake up, untied and with my blood-stained hands, I'd keep telling myself the same thing over and over again.
"It wasn't me...it wasn't my fault."
So, I cried tears of remorse every night after I woke up, realizing what I had done. I decided to try leaving the village one more time. If it doesn't work, then I'd turn myself in.

-Begin Chapter-

I began to pack all my needs inside a small black backpack. It was 12:42 am and it was fairly chilly outside, so I wore a black hoodie over a Panic at the Disco shirt as well as a pair of black pants and of course, black converse. I packed things along the lines of hygiene things and clothes, as well as a taser, pepper spray and some snacks and a bottle of water. I threw the backpack over my shoulder and pulled up my hood and opened the front door. I walked outside, the cold midnight air immediately hit me. I turned around and closed it, locking it. I walked slowly down the stairs. When I made it down, I began to jog in the direction of the village entrance. "Naruto? Are you midnight jogging as well?" I heard Lee ask from an unknown area. I looked around and spotted him jogging in place next to me. He wasn't wearing his usual green spandex, in fact, it was something normal. He was wearing a white tee and green shorts. He also wore a pair of white wristbands and a green headband. "Uh, yeah. Just taking a short jog, ya know?" I said. "Er, those aren't really the right type of clothes, but I believe you." He said. He waved before jogging off in a different direction. I don't know why he chose a t-shirt and shorts, but it's Lee, after all. I walked up to the entrance gates and admired them before deciding to move along. As I walked past the point of no return, I uttered something.
"Take care, Konoha."

-End Chapter-

A/N, (Insert cringey author's note here).

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