Chapter 10 (Finale)

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Last chapter to this book😭
Enjoy hoes😁

Out of all the things Lena has done in her life, nothing has ever made her feel more nervous than this. On the elevator ride up she checks her appearance in the mirror for what might be the twentieth time that night, and she reaches into her purse to double check if she's got everything—phone, wallet, lipstick. Her free hand is holding a bottle of the most expensive tequila she could find, and she's pretty sure she's overdone it, but she wants to make the best impression possible, and if everyone's drunk off their asses they probably won't hate her anymore by the end of the night.

A few days ago Kara casually invited Lena to game night, which is apparently a thing now, to meet her friends. It may have caused Lena to have a tiny little heart attack and some difficulty breathing, but she agreed nonetheless. Kara's friends are important to her, and Kara's important to Lena. Therefore she figured she should at least try.

But the truth is—people don't tend to like Luthors, and even if they don't care about the name, Lena's personal history with Kara probably won't win her any favors either. Just because Kara likes to see the best in everyone doesn't mean everyone else will, too.

Her heart is beating out of her chest as she walks up to Kara's front door. She tries to calm her breathing, too aware of how Kara can probably hear it from the other side of the door, but it's no help.

Before she can raise her hand to knock on the door, it slides open to reveal Kara's smiling face. Her hair is down, curling over her shoulders with an almost extraterrestrial glow. She's beautiful.

"Hey," she says, leaning forward to peck Lena's lips.

"Hey," Lena replies, breathlessly. She forgets about her nerves for a moment, unable to do anything but stare at Kara in awe. Then she remembers the bottle of tequila in her hand, and she holds it up. "I brought booze."

Kara takes the bottle from her, grinning from ear to ear. "You're amazing. C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone. They're excited to meet you."

Lena doubts that, but she still lets Kara take her hand and lead her to the sitting area, where a handful of curious faces are looking up at them. Lena recognizes everyone from her thorough Facebook stalking session the night before; there's Alex and her girlfriend Maggie, Winn, whom she met before at the fundraiser, Superman's running buddy Jimmy Olsen, and his arm is loosely wrapped around the shoulders of Lucy Lane, Lois' sister.

"Everyone, this is Lena," Kara says, her hand sliding from Lena's hand to the small of her back. "Lena, these are Alex, Maggie, Winn, James, and Lucy."

Lena does a circle of shaking hands, trying to give off friendly vibes and sunshine smiles. She fails at both, but her grip is firm and no one acts like she's venomous so either they're great at hiding their hate or they've decided to give her a chance.

Kara smiles at her as she sets the bottle of tequila on the table, earning a small whoop from Maggie and Lucy, and excuses herself to grab a couple of shot glasses, limes, and salt. Alex follows her to the kitchen, and Lena sits down in the empty chair next to Lucy in an attempt to stop herself from reading into it too much.

"So you're Lena," Lucy says, wiggling her eyebrows. "The Lena."

"The one and only," Lena nods, silently wondering what Kara told about her. Knowing Kara she said way too many nice things and way too little bad things. "So how do you all know each other?"

"Well, I work with Kara and Winn at CatCo," James says, looking up and down Lena's body, and oh—there it is. A flare of dislike flickers in his eyes. He blinks it away, but Lena knows what judgment looks like and that was it. His grip on Lucy's shoulder tightens slightly.

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