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Song of the Chapter: House of Cards by BTS


Forsaken and Empty, the magical beauty stood erect. The nippy air engulfing it completely and the atmosphere, thick and dark. No one was ignorant enough to go there, oh no. As a matter of fact, it was a common practice that the first word whispered to a new baby was to beware of that place.

No one was daring enough to enter that place. Not enough to take that street. Hell, barely anyone resided in that part of town. It was just too much for them.

The myths.

The legends.

The fairy-tails that surrounded that place would stop God himself from going near.

The old, rickety gate, always swinging. The rust and strained steel giving a distinct croak with every oscillation. The crooked writing, the only feature that allowed people to be able to tell what it was.

BOLEYN. Engraved deep into the metal plate that rested tired on the gate's crown.

Everyone speculated.

But no one really knew. No one expected that such a cramp place could've been such a magnificent life orb. No one knows what really happened.

To The Kingdom.

A/N: Hello, author Bitch in the house, whoop! Just wanted to say that I'm glad you chose to read this and please don't leave the book. I'll try my best not to disappoint. 😊😊 This is the first story I've posted here so don't be too hard. And make sure to listen to the song attached to the video!!! Anyways hope you guy's like it and expect updates very often cause I want this story to end by my bday in March. So until next time, toodles!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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