Chapter 1.

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"Long ago",A Pikachu looking teen was walking around the forest.

Then suddenly....


The clumsy teen fell in a hole that leads to the underground.


"Oof-"He said.He rubbed the back of his head and groaned in pain.'where the hell am I?'He thought.He looked around the place.Infront of him was a door.(?)

Hu looked down and saw that he was sitting in a little flower patch.(forgot what it's called-)

He got up and was about to head to the massive "door" that lead to the ruins,If it weren't for his hand that started hurting.

He hold his hand with the other.He scrunched his nose.Once the pain went away,He uncovered his hand and saw a flower.

"what the actual fuck?"He muttered.

He brushed it off and went into the ruins.He then stopped as he saw 2 girls talking,Well..The blue/red haired girl.The other one just listened.

"Uhh..."was all The Pikachu boy said.

And that's all mah peps!

I'm not going to completely follow how Underfell actually goes cuz I'm too lazy to...

I've got the lazy bones disease-
Aka The sans disease-

Hope chu enjoy this  shitty chapter!-

Love chu all and have a good night/day!-

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