Chapter Seventeen

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Amara POV

I hear the song slowly fade away, as I open my eyes again. Once they are open I notice I am in a valley with tall grass and a giant willow tree off in the distance, high mountains surround me with trees covering them. I look up at the sky and the sky is pink, purple, and blue with several small clouds towards the willow tree.

I walk towards the willow tree and the wind starts to blow the branches to the side. I continue to walk and I see a figure sitting on a branch watching me as I walk up, I notice the shoulder-length dark brown hair and grey eyes, she smiles her friendly smile that reminds me of so many memories. My mother jumps off the low branch and runs towards me.

"Amara!" My mother pulls me into a hug, "Why are you here? You are too young to be dead, please tell me you are not dead. Your father is going to be so broken up."

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm still alive we need to talk" I pull out of her arms so we are able to meet eye to eye. It's weird being as tall as my mother. Now being 5'6 and her being 5'7 like she was all those years ago. I'm so happy to see her again after everything that has happened. "Mom I need to ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?" She looks at Amara concerned.

"Well, I found out that I am a werewolf and I need to know how to let her out from your binding you created." I look down almost embraced for some reason.

"Oh..." She looks away from me shifting her weight from one foot to another," So... you found a wolf as a mate." Shifting her gaze between me and the tree that is behind me.

"Yeah, he saved me from a threat in my life. Leo is handsome, sweet, and kind, he treats me very well." I look up at her.

"So you really want to be like that beast and turn into one of them? Why do you want to make the same mistake I did?" She says starting to get angry. "Why would you want to be like your father? I had a perfect life with a man I loved and a daughter, she could do magic and was so sweet. Then your father sees me and claims me as his since I am supposedly his mate, or whatever the beast calls them."

She is know pacing in front of me, yelling at how bad my father is. How she wishes she could have had more time with this girl named Lyra.

"Mother!" I shout, " I know who you are talking about, she was the one who sent me to you. Know how do I unbind the werewolf that is inside me. I don't care what father did, I want this for myself." I am breathing heavy hoping she got the point after me yelling at her to listen.

"Lyra... I can't help you" she blows out a breath. "I can't help you if I wanted to. What you need to do is find the last one of my grimoires by the next full moon to turn back. The supplies and spell will be in the book, the grimoire should be with Lyra. "

I hug my mother for giving me this, a chance to be happy. "Mom, I have missed you so much, thank you for everything."

"No problem sweetheart, I was lucky to have both you and Lyra. I was so lucky to have one full which and my little wolf."

"Why can't I do magic?" I ask.

"Well, it was luck of the draw for genes. You could have been a half-wolf half-witch but you never showed any signs of a witch."

"That makes sense. I will tell Lyra you love her. She was very quick to help when Leo called her. Know it makes sense as to why." I hug her again as I feel my eyes start to get heavy again.

"Goodbye my sweet daughter, " my mother says disappearing.

I open my eyes to see my knight in shining armor in front of me. His black hair ruffled from him running his hand through it. I smile thinking how lucky I am to have this man in front of me. I take my eyes off him and see the bright blue and purple hair girl sitting across from me, she has a pleased and patient smile on her face.

"Lyra, mother said you need to get the last grimoire she had, it will help us with what we are trying to do." Lyra nods face going paste white from what I just said.

"You said, mother like as in both of our mother. Amara, did she tell you about me?" she gets up and starts towards my sitting form.

"Yes, she loves you very much but we need to get the grimoire before the next full moon and get everything it needs." I look at her.

"I will leave now, it will take me several days to find the right grimoire and get back here. Amara, you need to rest and eat, I promise to be back as soon as I can." Lyra looks at Leo and that both nod. Lyra leaves without another word.

"Mar I need you to eat something let's get you back to the house. Ezra brought a turkey sandwich just how you like it." he waves a plate in front of me and my stomach makes the weirdest noise telling everyone I am hungry.

I look at Leo and blush, he is starting at me and starts to laugh handing me the plate, " I didn't realize you were that hungry." I grab the plate from him and start to stand to head back to the house. I wobble and Leo puts a hand around my waist. We start to walk out of the building but clearly not at the pace Leo wanted because the next thing I know I'm in his arms. In the commotion, my poor sandwich fell on the ground. I look at Leo with a glare showing him how much he messed up.

"Amara, I will make you another sandwich. I'm sorry the other half is now wasted but I will make another one." he keeps walking on. " The forest creatures will love the turkey sandwich, " he turns onto the pathway to the house.

Once inside, Leo sets me on his bed and tucks me in like a little kid. He gets up to leave, but I grab his hand and pull him back to the bed. "Leo I am not hungry anymore just come and lay next to me, " I point to the empty spot next to me.

Leo takes off his shoes and climbs on the bed. He pulls me close and I feel my eyes close for the second time today going into a peaceful sleep.


I think back to everything that has happened today and it seems unreal. Lyra and Amara sisters, this doesn't seem possible. Lyra has blue and purple hair as my little wolf has brown hair. Their personalities also seem to be way different, but I guess they grew up with a different father. Lyra had another wizard as her father so she was able to grow her magic without Carmen around. Carmen left all of a sudden and didn't explain anything Lyra or to her father.

Lyra said she was looking for her step-sister ever since Carmen sent a note before she died to Lyra to reconnect with her other daughter. All I hope is she will be able to help Amara. I close my eyes thinking of the future with my beautiful mate, and I welcome sleep.

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