Chapter 1

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"Are we nearly there?" I ask Agent Wang.

I've lost count of how many times I've ask him that question and when I do he gives me the same response.


I let out a sigh of disapproval. I'm so tired from the long hours of flights, so tired that I've already forgotten where we are right now. All I know is that we're on an island somewhere in the South Pacific, where the supposedly 'Elba High' is located.

Earlier, when the private plane touched this foreign land, there are no other people at the airport apart from me and agent Wang. Thus the airport was deserted. There's AIs that was guiding us. It seems like the higher up has already anticipated that we'll be arriving any minute. Also there's already a car parked at the parking area.

Agent Wang turns on the radio of the car as he drives. Actually he doesn't even need to drive the damn thing because it's already programmed. It moves on its own. He's just sitting at the driver's seat for a show. While I... well I'm at the backseat staring outside the window.

There's nothing much to see apart from the sparkling sea water, white sand and trees hovering us like a dome. Now this gives the island vibe. But for an isolated island I'm impress on how clean the environment is and the fact that road is not a dirt road. There are sidewalks and lamp posts but still no trace nor a shadow of a single human being.

Agent Wang gave me little information about this Island, which I was force to read during the flights. According to him, apart from the only 100 students that attends Elba High, there's other people that lives here too and they are the teachers of the school and few securities that the Chairman hired. But one thing that is dodgy about this place is that no one in the outside world is knowledgeable about this place apart from those people who has been acquainted with the Chairman for generations.

"Leyzel..." agent Wang calls me with his attention still on the road. "Don't forget what I told you... the 10 Rules of this mission."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't you ever roll your eyes at me young lady!" he said furiously.

"I know... I know... don't worry, I won't break those 10 rules but I'm not promising you though."

"Whatever..." that's all he says. And with that he turns up the volume of the radio even louder.

"WhooHoo! This is Chairman Elba the fourth speaking!"

Wait, what?!

"Anyways you'll be arriving very soon! Meet me at the entrance!"

Then it ended.

"Geez, I thought it's some kind of special announcement or something. I honestly don't want to see that dude's face." Says Agent Wang.

Hearing him speak like that seems like they've known each other for a long time. But why didn't I know this?

There are a lot of things going through my mind but I choose not to tell anyone.


Few minutes have passed when the car stops at a certain point.

'Get out' it ordered us.

I came out of the car, along with my belongings. Whoever programmed this car must've forgotten to program it to talk with manners. I glare at the Black Car. I just want to kick it so badly.

"Thank you for your service!" says agent Wang.

The car automatically moved on its own it reverses and drives back to place where we've got it from. Technology these days.

I stare at the entrance in awe; I mean is this an entrance? Because if it is I have no idea how in the world we're supposed to enter. It does have a sign saying 'Entrance'. It's just a high wall covered in green. Green vines and other plants. In curiosity I walk to the wall. I could see my reflection. Me staring at the wall or should I say mirror wall? Ugh! I don't get it!

I actually thought it's covered in green, but in reality it's just the reflection of the Fiona and Fauna. I wonder how they manage to keep this clean and does this mirror wall go around? I'm so curious.

Then suddenly a part of the wall where it says 'Entrance' opens.

"Agent Wang!!!!"

A man in a pink Tux and leather boots calls out to my mentor. He has a long straight black hair that reaches up to his waist. At first glance anyone would think he's woman, but his manly features seems to stand out more. Behind him is a robot.

"Hey there! Chairman!"

They did their meet and greet portion in which I didn't pay attention to. They greet each other as if they were long lost relatives that have reunited after how many decades.

"Man! You look so gay wearing pink!" Agent Wang teases him. The man just slaps him playfully on the shoulder.

"Don't be like that Bessie!" he says as he flips his long hair.

"Fuck, don't touch me you gay-dude." He curses at the man.

"Don't be like that to me!"

"Ehem!" I interrupted their 'moment'.

The disgusted look on my mentor's face faded away and he also kept a good distance from the man in Pink Tux.

"I almost forgot... this is-"and he's cut off.

"Oh my! Your daughter?! Why didn't you tell me?" the man says dramatically. "How can you do this?! I thought you love me? Why? Why?" he says while shaking my mentor.

All I can do right now is to watch them, ignoring the fact that these 2 men are twice my age and that thy're in some sort of relationship. The robot walks to my direction. Now, there are two of us watching the drama. There's a high possibility that they know each other for a long time and considering that it was the chairman himself that gave out this mission.

"Gah! Listen to me you son of a beep" says agent Wang as he tries to remove the man's tight grip on his shoulders. "she's..." he points at me, while still trying to catch his breath. "she's the agent that I'm sending for the mission."

The chairman's loosen his grip on agent Wang's shoulders.

"oh I'm sorry Bessie! I overreacted!" he clears his throat and turns to me. "my pleasure to meet you Agent." He sweetly smiles at me.

Being my normal self I nod at him instead of taking his hand for a handshake.

"uhmm...err... I am the chairman of this school, Lance Elba the fourth." He introduces himself. "and that teeny robot is Maize, it's a Girl and I created her." My jaw drops. He created this cute robot?

"And I believe that you are Leyzel right?" I nod again.

"Well then... once you enter you are not to use that name anymore, You'll be enrolled as Freya Allison." He says.

He signals to Maize to carry my belongings and I follow behind him along with Agent Wang. We walk into the entrance.

Freya Allison, I think I'll like that name. I smile as the sliding door closes, remembering the first rule.

Rule Number one: Don't tell people what your real name is.

I guess I'll have to start planning out my acting skills as Freya Allison...



this is a work of FICTION. Places,Names, characters and events..etc are FICTITIOUS, unless stated. Any, resemblance to a living or dead person, or actual event just a coincidence, unless stated.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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