The Scroll-Like Thing (Chapter #4)

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As I was running away from the library, it seemed like something weird was happening again. I ran past a bookshelf and things started to shimmer. People started appearing again and it was everything seemed normal. Like what just happened, never happened. Like yesterday. 

I didn't want to think about it and I just wanted to escape, so I hurried straight home. I needed to get my thoughts straight and plan what I was going to do next. I wasn't sure for how long I'm going to be safe anymore. As I opened the door to my apartment, I felt a chill down my spine and not two seconds of closing it, my head was brimming with pain. It pained really badly and I started to feel myself losing my consciousness. Everything started to go dark. Before I knew it I was lying down on the floor with a continuous throbbing pain in my head. What was even weirder was that I kept hearing sounds. I thought that I had finally lost it but I knew this was different. I had an innate feeling that I needed to find something, the black scroll thing, and that this would hold the answers and the help I so badly needed. I managed to set myself upright and dragged myself to the room. There I saw it, the scroll like thing that had now taken the form of a book, glowing and levitating above the ground. Black mist was swirling around it and the pages were flipping through until it landed on a certain page. It then somehow faced me and I heard a loud ringing voice in my head.


The voice kept repeating in my head and it felt like my ears would explode. I knew that I had finally lost it. Just wanting it to stop, I grabbed the book. It had a weird feeling in my hands, I could feel it's power flowing through it and that otherworldly feeling coming through it's cover. The page had weird strange looking shapes and symbols on it. I used my finger to trace around those symbols and I felt a surge of energy within me. All the pain I was feeling was gone and I felt rejuvenated. But before I could figure out what was happening, I realized that my hand was bleeding from a cut that hadn't previously been there and that my blood was falling all over those weird symbols. The second that happened, I let go of the book completely creeped out. What was even stranger was that the book started to hover by itself somehow and was glowing in a strange shade of red and black. The light completely illuminated everything, covering me and my whole room. I could feel wave after wave of energy entering inside me. I felt like I was going to explode. My body couldn't handle this anymore. The pain was excruciating and unbearable, not helped by the mental strain I was feeling as well due to the past few days. I felt like I was on fire and every inch of my body was in agony. I could feel my blood boiling within me. I could do nothing but scream in despair. And the last thing I remember before passing out is seeing the door break open and 2 people shrouded in black barge in.


"Nocturne! We've got to hurry! Cover up our tracks will you? Seems like we've found it "

"I've already done so. I told you to never underestimate my magic old man. We did find it, but who in the name of hell is that kid?"

"Are all teenage girls this cocky nowadays? Check it again, we can't have the Desirers coming anywhere close to this place."

"Shut up Invictus, I am not cocky,  just very confident in myself. I've cast the illusion, but it won't stop them forever. We need to hurry away from here.  What are we going to do with this kid? It looks like he's dying."

"We've got to bring him with us. Unfortunate as it may be, the Chronicles is within him after all."

"Wait, what did you say?! The Shadow's Chronicles is within HIM? A normal human? Why is he still alive?"

"Yes and as surprising as it sounds, he is very much still alive, so we must save him. It must be his fate, and it must be seen how it will affect us all. But we do not have the time to discuss this, we must get out of here."

"Fine, but you owe me a proper explanation. I am not over this."

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