You Call This Training? (Chapter #8)

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During the one hour that I had, I didn't do much actually. I grabbed something to eat and drink from the vending machine and went back to the room. I tried going over what the old man said and trained to improve my control over my magical power. I still couldn't trust them, I didn't know enough about them, so I decided it wouldn't hurt to keep myself a few secrets. After the hour, the girl from earlier came down to the training room.

"Uh. Hi? What are you doing here, where's the old man?" I asked her. She was looking at me like I was something not worth it. A look that those who think they are above you give, and I absolutely hated it.

"He's not feeling well, no thanks to someone. He told me to help you with combat training. Get ready." She said without batting an eye. She stood across me and took a fighting stance.

"Yeah. What are you doin-" I received a rather hard punch to my face. I looked at her with a glare "What was that for?"

"The best way to learn combat training is to experience it first hand. Now protect yourself!" She said as she threw a couple more punches at me.

I wasn't a weak person. That is to say when I'm against normal humans. This was a one sided battle. I didn't stand a chance, she was just using me as a living punching bag.

"Pathetic. You're supposed to be able to beat the Desire King like this? You don't even stand a chance. He'll end your life in a heartbeat. Now get up!" She told me in a mocking manner. She was just making fun of me, and it was working. She had managed to royally piss me off.

"What the hell is wrong with you? This whole entire thing isn't even my problem. I shouldn't even be here doing..... this. This is all your problem, which you guys couldn't deal with and dumped it on me. So you better suck it up and do something actually useful in life." I taunted back while also finally managing to keep up with her moves. I guess street fighting did help in life after all.

I threw a punch at her and she blocked it and punched me back right in the stomach faster than I could even react. I doubled over and fell on the floor. "Oh god! You didn't have to punch me that hard! What the hell is wrong with you?! I am just a human, and since you might not even be one, I think that you should go just a little easy on me don't you think?"

She looked at me dead in the eye, and responded with a hint of sadness in her voice, "It is your problem now, and you better get up to speed with it if you don't want to die. And you have no right as to tell me what to do. Now get up! I'm going to make you wish you weren't alive after this."


''Hey old man. Am I going to do this everyday?" I asked him sitting on the bed with bruises all over my body. "Like for heaven's sake! She didn't go easy on me one bit! It was more me being a punching bag than training. Visiting the infirmary everyday isn't a very good looking prospect."

The old man shook his head and sighed. "My name is Invictus, you know, not old man. Also, I'm afraid that you're going to have to do combat training everyday. We don't have much time and we can't keep you safe here forever, so we're going to have to train you as much as possible in the little time that we have. I will tell her to go easier on you though if you so wish me to."

"Like that would help in any way. She's inhumane! Do like non humans have emotions? Or is that just a human thing? It's like she wants to kill me and it sure seems like she's enjoying it." I retorted back to him.

"Wait what?! She?! Human?!! Impossible. That is simply just not possible. There is no human who can possible be as cold hearted as her."

"She's just going through a tough time. She just lost her father, and thinks that there is no more hope for our survival. She's scared and nervous too, she just shows it differently."

"Scared and nervous? Ha. She sure as hell doesn't look or feel like it. You're telling me that someone who nearly broke all my bones, literally, is feeling scared?"

"She did break all your bones, as a matter of fact."

"What? How am I able to move then? You know what, I'm not even going to question it anymore. You used magical healing or something didn't you?"

"I'd like to know as well. Though we have better healing than normal, it shouldn't be this fast. I have heard of cases where it's because of genetics. Or it could be that you had someone with healing magic in your ancestry. I can't say for sure."

"So now you're saying that I can also use healing magic too? What kind of development is this?"

"No, you've misunderstood me. I said it's possible you might have had someone with healing magic in your family. It could've been your great grandparents or even further back. You might have inherited a little amount of it through them. Do you remember your parents? I might be able to dig up your family history if you tell me who they are?"

"I was abandoned by my parents at an orphanage when I was still an infant. So no. I don't remember them, nor do I want to know about them. I have a feeling those who abandon children aren't the very best of people. "

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry then. This must've been a bad topic to bring up and for that, I apologize."

"It's fine. It's not like it's your fault they abandoned me. What time is it?" I said, trying to change the mood back from a gloomy one.

"Oh. It's 11:23 P.M. You better get some rest. You're going to need it for tomorrow!" The old man replied as he headed outside the door.

Sleep huh. Like I can do that with my body aching all over. True, it had started to hurt less considerably since the beginning but it wasn't like I was completely healed. I started to think about all the things that happened to me in just the last two days, a spaceship crash, acquiring overpowered magical powers and becoming the leader of a dying magical clan/tribe thing...Let's also not forget about the Desirers...who now want to kill me too. It's a survival of the fittest world out there, and I'm not planning on falling behind. Tomorrow..... I'll look forward to it.

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