ch. 1

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POV: Simon

Simon walked into the big building. He wasn't quite ready for collage but he didn't really have a choice. anywhere was better then staying home. he was just happy to have a roommate because it meant he wouldn't be alone. since his brother, Daniel, died life has been really hard. His brother was his only friend and keep him safe from his demons, but now he was alone. Simon walked into the dorms to find the room he would be living in for the next couple of years. The hallways where dirty as if they never been clean. Toilet paper from lost  tp battles strew the floor. for once he felt like he was really at home. He found his room and paused, He hoped his roommate was  good, unlike like his parents. he opened the door  the smell of paint and other art supply's filled the air. a tall dark man stood in front of a canvas that was covered with different shades of blue. The man turned around his beautiful green and blue eyes stared back at me.

"hello, you must be my roommate, i'm Markus"  extending his hand for me to shake.

"i-i"m Simon" i said shaking his hand.

his voice was sweat and comforting. Simon put his bags down by his bed where he would be sleeping for the next four years.

Time-skip to after Simon's done unpacking 

The bed was old and worn out but it was better then what he had back at home. all he had on the bed was an old flat pillow and a small blanket. he placed a picture on the nightstand. the picture was of him and Daniel. he sighed and sat down on his bed. he looked over at Markus he was reading something on a tablet.  Simon pulled out a small stuffed shark out of his pocket no bigger then the palm of his hand. Daniel had given him the shark  on his 5th birthday it been with him ever since. I must had been staring at it for a while because Markus walked over to me and sat down on the bed.

"are you doing alright Simon?" he asked in a soft warming voice.

my face was red and a few tears fell from his eye.

"hmm, oh yeah, I'm alright." Simon replied trying to hide the pain in his voice.

"no, I can tell your not alright but if you don't want to talk about it I respect that." Markus said

"my- my brother gave it to me" Simon replied, his voice was shaky.

"what happen to him?" Markus asked

more tears stared racing down from Simon's face. he pulled his knees up to his chest. Markus put his arm around Simon and pulled him into a hug. Simon didn't understand how someone he just meant could show him could can so much about him, before Daniel was the only one who cared about him. for once I felt comfort from someone besides it coming from my brother.

"are you gonna be alright, Simon?" he asked with worry in his voice.

Simon nodded, "yeah ill be alright"

Markus stood up and walked over to his desk where his phone sat. it was next to a photo, the photo was of Markus and a older man. he slid the phone into is pocket.

"me and some of my friends are gonna meat up in the lunch room, would you like to come with us?" Markus asked sweetly.

"I would love to come"

we walked down to the lunch room together  and got a try of the crappy school food. we started walking to a table where a reddish-orange haired girl sat. next to another darker man. 

"hey North, Josh, this is my roommate, Simon"Markus introduced us

"hello" I said waving

"I forgot you had a roommate this year" North started" if i where you I would have gone for a co-ed dorm, you could sleep with a girl that way."

"yeah, the only way you ever get to sleep with one." josh added

we talked together for a few hours. I became  friends with both of all of them, the only friend I ever had.

me and Markus walked back to our dorm I hadn't really been able to get a good look at him, but now i do, hes really cute, god i better not let him see me blushing.

it was 11 pm by the time we got to the dorm. I got into bed and Markus did the same.

"night Markus"

"night Simon"

End of the first chapter, ill try to update on a regular bases but no promises.I hope you liked it :)

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