ch. 2

24 2 2

When I got up in the morning Markus was still asleep in bed. I got changed in the bathroom and got ready for my classes. I take four two hour classes so I only need to go to class twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday.

After Simon got back to his dorm Markus was gone. Simon placed his bag down in front of his bed and sat down at his desk to do his homework. After about two hours Simon finished his homework. he put in on his bag of school supplies so he wouldn't forget it. he flopped down on his bed, not to long after Markus walked in Simon looked up at him. he looked like he didn't sleep at all even though he slept longer then Simon.

"you look like a zombie" Simon said staring into Markus's eyes

"you don't look any better Simon" he replied with a smirk 

"how do you survive? it only my first day and i'm already dead inside." 

"you just get used to it after a while" Markus  answered 

"hey theres a party to night, you want to go with me?" Markus asked changing the subject

"Party, hmm I don't think I've actually ever actually been invited to one before, I love to go" 

" you never been to a party before?" Markus questioned 

I sat up  on my bed "if you don't have friends you don't get invited anywhere" Simon said with a forced chuckle 

 I looked up at Markus, he just looked sad for me.

"What time is the party at?" i asked to make the situation lest awkward.

"its at 9." he replied 

"9:am or 9:pm"

"who the fuck would go to a party at 9:am?"

-time skip because i cant write transitions-

Me an Markus ment up with north and josh, we started walking up to the house that was throwing the party. Music could be heard from a mile away. we found a place to sit away from all the chaos, we sat next to Jerry, all four of them. Markus walked back to the group with a two red plastic cups filed with what i assume is beer, he sat down next to me and handed me one.

"hey josh, can you  come help me with something" north asked with a smile

"yeah of course" he followed 

Josh and north left me and Markus alone, they never did come probably part of there plan.

Markus and i talked for hours until it was time to leave. Markus and I walked home together.

we talked for a awhile after we got to our dorms until we went to bed.

End of chapter two, but trust me it get funny in the next ch.  sorry for a short chapter it was the best way to break the chapters up with out it being really long.

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