Henclair 1

387 4 5

Shut Up


“Shit!” Dustin yelped, looking down at the die on the table. “Shit! Mike I got a 1 what the fuck does that mean?” He asked, quickly, and nervously looking over at his friend who was furiously shuffling through his manual. This was a monster they had never encountered before and they were already screwed.

Will and Lucas shared a nervous look as Dustin mumbled quietly, fidgeting nervously. There was always this energy during their sessions, and it made then all so hyper and just sincerely jittery because that’s the effect this game had on the boys.

“I don’t know! Gimme a sec will ya?” Mike said, now shuffling through another stack of papers. The papers were falling on the floor and none of the boys bothered to pick them up, as they were all on the edge of their seats.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Dustin chanted, his hands drumming nervously on the table. Lucas glared at him and kicked the other boy underneath the table.

“Ow!” Dustin yelped, glaring back at Lucas. “What the hell was that for?”

“Stop drumming your fingers.” Lucas said, nudging Dustin’s leg again. “And stop cursing so much, Mike’s parents are home and you have no concept of how to be quiet.” Dustin stuck his tongue out, but nonetheless stuck his fingers underneath his thighs instead of continuing his incessant drumming.

“Aha!” Mike said, holding up a sheet, before quickly reading over it.

“Well what is it?” Will asked, attempting to read over his boyfriend’s shoulder. Mike just nudged him away and continued to read, his face paling. Will quickly skimmed the page too, but his reaction was quite different. The smaller boy seemed to be filling with glee.

“Uh.” Mike started, putting the paper down. “You uh.” Mike gulped, glancing over at Lucas for who knows what reason before continuing.

“You killed the monster but um,” he paused again, “before it died it forced you to drink the Philter of Love.” Mike said, glancing nervously between Dustin and Lucas. Will burst out into giggles, whereas the other players just looked confused.

“The what of love?” Dustin asked, a slight dusting of pink over his cheeks. Will stopped giggling and leaned forward to explain.

“Philter of love. If you see a sea creature within 10 minutes of drinking it you are charmed by the creature for an hour. If the creature is of the gender you actually like, or your character does, you regard it as your true love.” Will said, looking over to Mike who nodded in confirmation.

“But it doesn’t matter because we’re above ground right?” Dustin asked, nervously. “Right?” Mike shook his head, now stifling giggles.

“Even if the creature is half sea creature it still charms you.” The boy said and Lucas swore quietly.

“So my half merman now has Dustin charmed?” Lucas asked, getting nods from both Mike and Will. “Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have changed my character for this.”

“I think it’s a good thing you changed your character.” Will said quietly, winking at both Dustin and Lucas in turn.

Dustin sputtered, leaning forward. “You mean Lucas has me charmed for the next hour? What does this charming entail?” Mike sighed, and shuffled through his papers again. God, they all thought, new campaigns were tiring.

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