Chapter Eight - When Luck Burns Out

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For better or for worse, Burn still hadn't recognized Peril in between Glory and Hawk. She wasn't sure what to do. Should they run? Hawk could fly faster than Burn since he was a SkyWing, but Glory probably would not be able to. Peril would normally be able to, but she was still weak. If it came to a fight, Hawk didn't seem to have much of a fighter's instinct, and Peril had no fire. Glory was the only one who could fight back, but what if several more guards came? They wouldn't stand a chance.

There was one chance that they had, but it all depended on whether of not Burn had heard the rumors around the kingdom. Still, it might work.

"Don't you DARE take a STEP closer Burn!" Peril's voice boomed. She tried to sound as threatening as Queen Scarlet and seemed to succeed at least for the most part. Burn stopped moving towards them as Peril stepped out from between her two friends (acquaintances?).

"That's not possible. I watched you die." She said quietly, which was odd for Burn.

"I can't be killed that easily. You don't know much about dragons born with firescales do you?" Laughed Peril, her voice becoming steadier with each word. "It's true, the pole was made from neverburn which is unaffected by fire. It's true, that the wound was enough to kill me. Unfortunately for you," she smiled as viciously as she could manage, "dying only makings dragons like me stronger." Please don't touch me, please don't realize I am only bluffing.

Burn's face scrunched up suggesting she was unsure of what to do. Should she fly away and warn Queen Scarlet or stay and try to fight Peril and her newfound friends.

"Don't make the wrong choice. Even a powerful SandWing like yourself is no match for the fiery scales I was born with." Peril spoke up again, hoping to give her an extra nudge.

"Fine, I will let you live THIS time," said the SandWing princess in frustration. She stomped off down the corridor. Peril breathed a sigh of relief before turning towards her friends. A hint of a grin passed over Glory's face, and Hawk looked thoroughly grateful for that close call to be over.

"Nice bluff, but we need to rescue my friends now before Burn realizes it."

"And before Queen Scarlet finds us," Hawk added with a gulp.

"Alright, Hawk and I will go free Clay, Starflight, and Tsunami, while you go look for Sunny," Glory nodded at Peril.

"You got it. Your friends will be safe by the end of the day." Peril told her confidently.

If only it were that easy...

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