Night 4

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Today something felt quite off.  Something wasn't right. Maybe I should talk to Mike..

"Mike..?" I look around to find him in the living room.

"Yeah?" His eyes drift from the TV as he turns to me.

"Can I come to work with you tonight?" Mike jumped up quickly and grabbed me roughly by my shoulders.

"No. ______, no. You should NEVER come to work with me. Don't ever go there at night."

"But Mi-"

"No buts!! Promise me you'll never EVER go there!! Please ______.. promise me.." he was in tears by this point. I feel like he's hiding something from me. I love the man but he's scared to tell me something. Hmm. Let's see how tonight goes.

  Mike left to work 20 minutes ago. It's time to fall asleep and dream. If I have another crazy dream, I'm going to call Mike. Now, off to bed.

  I'm standing behind the night guard in his room. Why am I here?  I can hear a music box play. Somethings pounding on the left closed door. What are they? I look at the mans screen to get a look but I see nothing. The man is quaking in fear. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he doesn't seem to notice. I look to the right door. Wide open. I can hear footsteps coming. I grab the man with both hands and shake him. Trying to turn him to the right door. But he doesn't budge. He curls up and takes his cell phone out. Who is this man calling? The phone rings and a frantic girl answers.
"Hello?? Mike??"
"______.. I love you.." he drops the phone and began to cry. Repeating this girls name. My name.. He called me... why am I witnessing this?  I step right in front of Mike. I look at him with a sympathetic smile, I place my hand on his cheek. I caress it, seemingly he calms down. Accepting my touch, Mike seems to see me now. He smiles at me and he rubs my stomach. I look at him confused.
"I'm sorry.. Our baby will never have a father." He cries harder and then a loud scream shot throughout the small room.

  I wake up. 3:27. It's Mike.

"Hello?? Mike??" I said without hesitation

"______.. I love you.." I can hear the phone drop. I can hear the pounding. I can hear the music box play. I wait. I wait until I can hear him calm a bit and then speak again. "I'm sorry.. Our baby will never have a father." He began to sob. Then that loud, excruciating scream, with Mike screaming this time. I sob and hold my stomach. Trying not to vomit. Or scream.. I have to go see Mike.. I get in my car and head to him. But as I arrive, I see the flash of red and blue lights. Men putting tape around the area of the front door. I get out of my car and run up there in my short shorts and tank top. I didn't even put shoes on. I run, though the cold gravel hurts. I can even feel a bit of blood coming out of the bottoms of my feet now. I run up, trying to get inside. I'm crying and screaming. But an officer gets to me before I get to the line.

"Miss?? Miss?! Are you okay? You can't go back there!!" I just keep screaming until he puts me on a firetruck side. "Ma'am.. whats wrong? Do you know what happened?"


"Mike Schmidt. Yes."

"Where is he.." I sobbed

"Ma'am.. Mike is dead.." the young officer tried to console me. I just continued to cry and cry. "Do.. did you know him?"

I nod "He's the father of my unborn child.. my lover.. The love of my life.. He called me before he died..."

"What did he exactly say?"

" '______.. I love you.. I'm sorry.. Our baby will never have a father.' "

"Ma'am I'm sorry to hear that.." I curled up and sobbed harder than I ever have. Then a black, bloodied body bag came out. I started to scream. I got up to run to Mike, but the officer held me back. I fell on the dirt ans layed there, he tried picking me up but I refused to move. I layed there until he carried me to my car and set me by the door. He handed me a business card.

"Please call me whenever you need. I'll be here, as protection, a friend. Whatever you need ______." He smiled empatheticly and walked off. I moped. I mourned. I got into the car and drove back home. An empty home. Dark and cold. In 9 months it won't be so cold. It'll be noisy and full of life again. I walked into the softly illuminated apartment. I lay down on the bed in the bedroom. I softly rub my stomach. There's a child inside of me. Mike's child. A living reminder of what my life was.

  A flash of colors appear, twisting my mind. Brown, purple, yellow and redish brown. I didn't understand the words they spoke. Just muffled mumbling and giggling. Yet I understood a few phrases.

The bite of '87
Hell has just begun
The baby isn't his
Search for the fifth child

Five Nights at Freddy's (reader x animatronics)Where stories live. Discover now