The Purple Door: Bonnie

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I look at the doors again. I take a deep breathe and raise a finger towards the purple door. The rest disappear before my eyes. I look at Mike and (boy) and smile. They nod and hug me goodbye. I walk up to the door and it opens. Walking through the bright light.

I wake up less than 20 minutes from my nap. I get up and see that the only person in the living room is Bonnie. The one I chose to be with forever.

"Bonnie, babe." He looks at me confused. "Where is everyone?"

"They went out to the bars." He sighs.

"Why didn't you go?"

"I didn't feel like partying tonight.

"Oh well, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I sit besides him and look him deeply in the eyes.

"Are you in love with me?" He turns red and nods in defeat. "Good because I'm in love with you too." And without a word more, he tackles me with happiness and joy. I knew I chose the right path

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