Chapter 1

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Suit..check. Shoes.. check. Teeth brushed.. check. Smelling good?... I smell myself. Check! Hair fixed, everything is perfect. I walk out of my small bedroom in my tiny trailer and see my mother. Her hair is fixed in a bun and she has a long elegant red dress on. Her baby bump very noticeable. Well, she is 8 months pregnant so I assume it would be.

My dad comes out of his room on the other side of the trailer wearing an elegant suit. He greets me with a warm smile. Mom looks at him then finally turns around to see me. She gasps and puts a hand over her mouth. "Oh Keaton! You look so handsome!", she coos. I smile at her.

"As do you", I reply, laughing at my highly use of words. Highly use of words? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Oh well. I was born to be. That didn't make sense either but it sort of sounded deep didn't it? Yeah? I thought so too.

We leave a few minutes later, packing in my fathers old truck. It always smelled like peppermint. Which is really really awesome. I always loved going on long trips with him because the smelled soothed me. Whatever was going on, I could erase it from my mind for a moment.

"I still can't believe you are going to a stuck up rich people party", Dad whines. Mom laughs and puts a hand on his shoulder and kisses his cheek. "Fine, fine. I won't complain anymore. I'll at least try and be nice". Mom smiles again then pays attention to the road once more.

We arrive at the HUGE house. Dad parks and we go inside. My mom pulls me to her side and I mentally groan. We walk in and there are people everywhere with champage. A guy comes over with a tray of the stuff and dad takes one. "I'm defnitely gonna need a lot of these", dad whispers. Mom hits him and he chuckles.

A boy walks down the staircase and my eyes fix on him. His dark hair is fixed back and his eyes meet mine, and I'm captivated by him. He seems so perfect. He walks across the room and out the front door. I whisper something to mom and she nods and I walk out the door.

I see him standing against the house and I walk up to him. "Hi, I'm Keaton", I say, extending my hand for him to shake it. He looks over at me and his blue eyes meet my green eyes. My heart starts racing but I make sure my hands aren't sweating.

He stands straight and shakes my hand. "Jarod Napier", he says. My mouth drops open and I look away quickly. "Yeah, I'm the son of the host of this shitty part", he says. I nod my head in understanding and he sighs, letting go of my hand.

We talk for a while and people start to leave. He asks for my phone and I hesitate. I can't actually aford a phone. "Um.. I must have left it at home", I lie. He shrugs and takes me hand, leading me to his room. He takes out a notebook and a pen. He wrtes a number down then hands it to me.

"Here's my number. I'd like to hang out sometime", he says. I smile at him and nod. We say our goodbyes and I go downstairs to find my parents. I find them and we leave. We get into my fathers truck and I stuff the number into my pocket.

We arrive at home and I run in and change into shorts and a t- shirt. Then lay on my bed. I pick up my notebook and start drawing cliche little K+J pictures. Even though I just met him. I really like him. He didn't have much of a personality but I know there's something more to him. And I WILL find out what that is. Even if it kills me.

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