Chapter Thirty-Three - The Long-Awaited Surprise.

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*This chapter will contain smut*



*Again, smut ahead*



*Third-Person POV*

James slows down the car before steering left and entering the driveway of his mansion.

Once parked, he pulls up the hand brake before turning the key, powering off his car.

He quickly jumps out of the car, opening the door for Ana.

"Thank you very much, but you know I could have done that myself, right?" Ana says.

"And where then would the gentleman part of it all come into play, eh?".

She rolls her eyes at him, letting out a gentle chuckle.

James chuckles back. "Anyways, let's go..." he says, gently taking a hold of her hand.

As they walked closer to the house, Ana noticed something strange.

"Why is the ground floor glowing orange?".

James replies with another chuckle.

"It's nothing dangerous, trust me. Now come on..." he says. With him saying that they both continue walking. Reaching the front door, James briefly lets go of her hand, unlocking the door before they both enter the house.

That is when Ana sees a bunch of lit candles laid on the floor. They all lead upstairs. The candles lit up the darkened hallway.

She slightly jumps when she felt hands land on her waist.

"Follow me, the surprise is just around the corner..." He whispers into her ear.

He let's go of her waist, but takes a hold of her hand, leading her up the lit staircase.

The sweet smell of the burning candles filled the top floor. It felt as if the smell was also another trail that they had to follow.

The candles stop right outside of their bedroom, causing tingles to spread from Anas' stomach out and through her whole body, making her knees weaken.

"Come on... don't be nervous, I can't have you nervous..." James pauses, moving closer to Ana's right ear. "Not now...". She can feel his hands explore her body, right before...

"James!" she reacted as he picked her off her feet and into his arms.

The smirk on his face grew as his eyes explore the beautiful face of the woman that is in his hands.

Nothing was said between them, they kept on looking at each other until James lost their little staring game and entered their bedroom.

Their dark grey bedroom was now illuminated red as more lit candles were scattered around the room.

Ana looked towards their bed and noticed the beautiful red rose petals scattered all across the surface of the red bedcovers. She looked back at James who had the big, sexy smirk still patched on his face.

"I love you, Ana..." he whispers to her, immediately, she replies by pushes her lips against his. Moments pass before he replies by pushing and pinning her small body against the nearest wall. This is where James takes over, he wins their little tongue war.

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