I woke up from the sun shining to bright through the windows and making it hit our face, I groaned.I turned and looked at Zach who was still sleeping, and laughed, he was so cute, I stood up and ran to the bathroom, I put on my underwear and an oversized shirt that belongs to my mate with black spandex shorts. I tied my hair and washed my face and brushed my teeth then went out. I looked at the bed to see it empty, I shrugged.
"You look pretty sexy in an oversized shirt like that," I screamed see someone and let me tell you, it's not Zach.
Recap ended
Payton's P.O.VI looked at the guy wide eyed, how on freaking earth could he get up to the penthouse? I thought you needed a card?!
"Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you Mrs. Knight" he smirked
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I narrowed my eyes at him
He started taking steps towards me and I also stepped back until my back hit the wall and he put his hands on either sides of my head,
"Well that should remain unknown princess" he smirked wider
I touched him and threw him making him hit the wall. He groaned and I ran out the room as soon as I threw him.
I ran down the steps to the living room and kitchen, I heard someone in the kitchen, I went inside to see Zach trying to make breakfast, awe. Back to reality, "Zach!" I hid behind him, and I looked at the doorway, but no one was there.
"What's wrong baby?" He hugged me, but I didn't hug back, he seriously didn't hear me scream?
"There was a man in the room, I screamed, you never heard?" I asked shocked,
"Well no, I was trying to co-" I dragged him up in the room, but there was no one there, I looked around, no traces of him.
"Um, Payton? There's no one here" No shit Sherlock! "I heard that" he looked at me and I blushed, I forgot about the mate can read your mind thing.
I looked around the room, but it was like nothing happened, "I swear Zach, I saw a person he-" someone appeared behind me, I was ready to attack when I came face to face with an iPhone camera and Harper is holding it, suddenly Kayla bursted out wearing the man suit and I gasped, they all laughed,
"" Harper said in between laughs
I looked at Kayla and Harper, "You both planned this?" I asked
"Yes, though your mate there joined in" she sweetly smiled and Zach glared at her
"Oh you two are in so much trouble," I glared at them hard, "I'll deal with you later" I pointed at Zach
I looked back at the girls to see them terrified, You had your fun, but now it's my time, "I'll give you 3 seconds to run and hide" I smirked, "1..." They took off, smart, "2....and 3!" I started walking.
I sniffed the air and immediately smelt Kayla's scent, got yah! I followed the scent and it lead to the bathroom, not smart.
I smirked at the plan I had in mind, I knocked, "Hey Kayla, I was just kidding about the payback, now come out here and let's go shoe shopping" I sang the last part,
She immediately burst out looking really happy, "Yoour treat?!" She smiled
I got my hands ready, "Yes, my treat!" I opened my hands and water came out making her wet!
"Got yah!" I laughed, and she pouted then walked off, now for Harper,
I sniffed the air once more and got her scent, finally! It lead to a closet in the guest room, I smirked, bad place.
I closed my eyes and when I opened it, Harper came screaming out of the closer with a spider on her hair, "Get it OFF!" She screeched while running, I just laughed.
Now that my fun is over. I need to talk to Zach, I mind linked him to meet me in the bedroom.
As soon as I opened the door, he was there sitting on the couch, "Hey Pay" he innocently smiled
"Don't use the 'innocent card on me'" I growled, "Do you know that if I freaked out that much, it might affect the baby?!"
Guilty crossed in his eyes, I wanted to just forgive him, but what he did was a risk, "I'm sorry Pay" he said
"Sorry, doesn't always cut it, I mean you put the baby in risk because I really thought that there was a man about to kill me or kidnap me or whatever so of course I would freak out!" I spat, "If I freak out too much, I might faint and what if I fell on the floor, stomach first?! I mean I'm getting weak because of the baby inside of me that is growing!"
I growled and he was just silent, "I'm going to go for a walk" I grabbed my purse and changed into bright blue skinny jeans with a black oversized shirt and low-cut black converse.!
I opened the door, but a hand grabbed me, "Please don't leave me" he pleaded
"I'm just going for a walk for fresh air, don't worry, I'll be back" I gave him a small smile and left.
As soon as I got out of the building and into the fresh air, I felt almost satisfied, I saw a park nearby and chose to sit on one of the benches.
As I sat for an hour just watching families have fun and kids running. I rubbed my belly, and thought about the baby, Zach, and I. I thought on knowing that we will be having a family soon. That placed a smile on my face. It also made me think that maybe I was overreacting awhile ago. I decided to go back to the hotel and say sorry to Zach for lashing out.
I got in the elevator and pressed penthouse, the doors opened. So I walked to our entrance door and slid the key in. As soon as I opened the door, I didn't like the view in front of me.
Zach's P.O.V ( When Pay left for air)How could I be so stupid? I just wanted to have fun, but I forgot she was carrying our baby and it was risky for her to freak out and stuff.
It's not like she left me or anything, well she did, but just out for a walk.
I suddenly got worried, what if something happened to her? So I decided that I should go follow her, I picked out a black coat and wore my black converse, so I could match with her -insert wink there-
I opened the front door but something fell on me and it was Harper, I sniffed the air and she was drunk, that fast?
"Hey there cutie" she giggled and slurred, no offense, but her mouth stunk!
"What happened Harper?" I asked
"Oh you know just went for a drink down in the bar and yea!" She did a hiccup, "I was actually looking for cute guys and it seems like I hit bingo"
I was surprised, she pushed me inside and I hit something which made me fall back. I realized that I fell on the couch. Before I could realize what's happening, Harper crashed her lips onto mine and damn, this woman can be strong, I tried pushing her off but she kept coming back.
When I thought that I finally pushed her away, she just ripped her top off and she threw herself at me, forcefully making me touch her.. Um breasts while she kissed me but successfully I finally pulled my hands away and pushed her.
As soon as I did that, I heard a noise behind Harper, I stood up and looked to see, oh shit, Payton.
"Zach?" She finally managed to croak out with teary eyes.
Oh shit.
DUN DUN DUN!!! Oh no! What have they done?! 😟

Popstar Mate
WerewolfPayton Parker is an 18 year old popstar with nice golden hair and the most astonishing green eyes. She also has the curves in the perfect places. She is a werewolf but no one knows. Blake Andersen is the 21 year old Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack who...