I bent down and remove the tap from Zach's mouth, I removed the chains by freezing it and him pulling it since he was strong too because he was an alpha.
And it took that for hell to break loose.
Recap ended
Payton's P.O.V
Zach and I were in the other side of the room while the other 50 werewolves were on the other side. Crazy right? 50 against 2.
"Ok, I'll take the rest and you go take down P.V., ok?" I looked at Zach
"I'm not letting you fight 49 werewolves yourself" he whispered and shouted
"I have powers, don't worry about it, just be careful ok?" I hugged him
"Awe, will you look at that? There saying there goodbyes before they die" P.V smirked, "But who cares, finish them!"
I looked at Zach and nodded, I ran towards the werewolves and stomped on the floor really hard creating a crack making some of them fall.
The next thing I did was rising my hands making these stems circle some of them so I balled my hands and the stems squeezed them till they ain't breathing. This is so cool! And I dropped their lifeless bodies on the floor.
Now for the last set of werewolves, I actually just burned them all. After killing them all, I looked for Zach and P.V, but they were nowhere to be found until this hard thing collided with my body
I fell to the ground. I opened my eyes hoping to see it was Zach, but it was P.V
He finally noticed that I was under him so he stood up fast, pulled me up, turned me around so my back was facing his front, and he puts his arm around my neck and held a gun near my forehead, "Make a move, and your mate goes" P.V smirked
He looked at me, "And you are one powerful an special werewolf" he whispered, "I could use you-" before he could finish that sentence, I elbowed him on the stomach and twirled, then I kicked his face making the him drop the gun.
I took that as my chance and I took the gun then ran to Zach, "Zach" I hugged him then obviously kissed him.
We broke away because P.V was coughing, I turned around and now It was Zach and I against P.V.
"Go ahead and kill me, Zach!" He boomed then coughed out blood, "come on kill me!"
Zach walked to him, "This was for my father" he shifted to his wolf form and charged at P.V and tore his head off. I cringed at the scene, blech.
'Can yah get clothes for me baby?' He mind linked me
I nodded and got t shirt and a some shorts from beside me and I gave it to him.
I turned around because it's awkward to see him naked. Yah know, blush right there
Suddenly someone encircles their hands around my waist and kissed my neck, "Were safe now, so let's go get the boys" he pulled me.
We ran to the dungeon and got the boys then ran out of that place. We ran back to the field and rested there.
When we finally rested, I started making the signs that we needed help, I was forming a big sign, 'HELP' with barks of trees and then lit it up with fire , from top view m, it would've looked cool.
Suddenly, I heard shouts and grunts from where I left them. I ran back to see Zach beating Harry, "Why would you do that?" He screamed
"I didn't mean too!" Harry screamed back

Popstar Mate
WerewolfPayton Parker is an 18 year old popstar with nice golden hair and the most astonishing green eyes. She also has the curves in the perfect places. She is a werewolf but no one knows. Blake Andersen is the 21 year old Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack who...