The synopsis thus far from Episode 2, Urban Folklore

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      The teenaged Melissa continues her strong ties with Javier and Angela.  While Melissa remains the same girl she has always been, her friends are all being changed by their environments, and she is seemingly left behind.  She does not see or react to the harsh and lurid elements of life that her peers do.

      Grandmother Beatrice admits to Melissa and Angela details about her past in Venezuela.  A time when she was running a small business selling fabrics, and targeted by unknown thugs.  Beatrice was rescued by a someone and a boy ,then brought to a large mansion to recover.   She was offered a chance to work as a maid in a large mansion by the master of the home.  Beatrice tells a fascinating story of those she met, without giving deep detail about the famous -albeit vague- figurehead Eduardo Vega, and his vast enterprise. 

      Javier's best friend Lester has only gotten into further altercations with gang affiliated youths within, and outside of school.  After experiencing suspensions from in school fights, he ultimately abandons school altogether.  In an effort to retaliate against his enemies, he assaults them in a surprise attack with the help of his closest friends.  However he is caught and incarcerated, without implicating his companions in the event.     

      Lester's uncle Nuño had continued further in his endeavors to guide the troubled Lester and his peers, as he battled his own private drug addiction.  Lester's arrest triggers a flashback that brings Nuño back to 1982.  A time when he was involved in gang life as alias 'Mongoose'; alongside his brother Chanito the 'Wolf'.  It retold the events of the murder cover up of his cousin Kiké, the Regales gang affair with organized criminal figures, and the rapid demise of he and his brother.  After a police officer was inadvertently murdered by Wolf, the brothers were incarcerated, and Nuño was served a lesser sentence.  Seven years passed until he was released, only to be ousted by the Regales gang.  Furthermore he still ordered the task of looking after Lester and his mother, while provided a home and accommodations.  Realizing he has a chance to restart life, unlike his brother who is incarcerated for life;  Nuño takes on the challenge.  He ultimately gets romantically involved with Lester's mother Violet; but it remains unannounced.

      The defeated Joney struggled to regain recognition from the northern gang that considers his role all but mediocre. However it is the feared gang overseer Knight; who assists Joney to quickly gain back a menacing notoriety.

      Sebastian handles his administrative duties to Constance, and her company exceedingly well.  In addition  his close friendship with Su only gets stronger.  Despite the deep chemistry they shared, they both realized the complex and incompatible nature of their bond.  Hence they awkwardly focus on their platonic relationship instead.  Nevertheless and unbeknownst to Sebastian; Su initiates a plan to always have a part of him forever with her.  Upon realizing a late pregnancy, Su meets with Constance and essentially resigns from the circle of call girls.  Consequently Su never attains her goal; having been allegedly murdered by Joney's crew.  Constance quickly puts a halt to her operation, and decides to consult the elusive 'Magician' to help her deal with the menace of Joney and his gang.  Sebastian is left in state of profuse grief, guilt, and animosity for gangsters.

      Beatrice experiences a unique recollection upon seeing a curious cat, while walking with her daughter Miriam.  Something she had not witnessed in over 40 years.  She then recalls working as a maid a year after arriving to the estate as a guest.  There was inner turmoil among the managers of the estate, and sense of immense fear among the staff.  A child maid named Citlali befriended Beatrice and explained the hypnotic, almost totalitarian culture that resided within the Vega estate walls.  A further discussion revealed Citlali's brief and tragic nomadic family history, and a series of fairytale-like personal beliefs that tie into their current reality.  Beatrice then discerned an odd connection in the child's tales, in conjunction with her own personal life.    Namely a supposed divine malediction referred to as the "1935 blight" of which Beatrice was born on.  Beatrice was evidently told as a child that she was born during a severe typhoon period where scores perished.  Additionally that while there remained an unknown significance behind it; there was in-fact an exact purpose for her having lived through the period.  To  Beatrice's bewilderment, Citlali suddenly recalls a passed down family legend that begins oddly similar to Beatrice's own life events; in regards to a "maiden being born during an accursed period of flooding."

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