Compendium # 2

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Optional reading: If you're lost as to who is who, and what is what; then follow this guide.
There's also a brief character synopsis provided here without spoilers for Episode 3.

La Centrada's 'current day' protagonists


Melissa Gutierrez: The main, and currently 12 year old protagonist and adolescent Hispanic girl. She has a vivid imagination, who lives in the city limits of 'La Centrada'. She's suffered a form of neglect from her economically challenged parents, and usually overshadowed by her two elders sisters. Not being the least bit popular in middle school, and failing utterly at soccer; her only merited accomplishment is being the official junior high spelling B champion. Melissa's childhood solitude has opened her mind to the possibility of an alternate existence. One where she believes there to be an ulterior world, where fantasy and myth become a reality. A fascination with a cartoon called the 'Valiants' has thus compounded to it, as has a popular role playing video game she and Javier often play. She has gone on a 'figurative quest 'of inner significance with Javier, and is determined to discover more within the perceived odyssey. At the same times feelings have begun to grow in her heart for him.

Beatrice Enriquez: Melissa's aging grandmother. Beatrice's recounting of her past reveals a hard upbringing, and reliance on her self as a young adult. She finds herself in an area within a mountainous region in 1950's Venezuela; otherwise known as 'the strip.' A town renown for depravity, corruption, and violence, Beatrice experiences a degree of success in her garment tent. She was ultimately attacked by a group of men, but the 'would be' sexual assault, was thwarted by the boy Sergio. Severely beaten, she is taken to the estate by Sergio and a reluctant manager named Miguel. After her gradual recovery she meets the mansion's master Eduardo Vega, who eventually invites her to work within the safety of his estate. In their conversation, Eduardo admits to not being swayed by spirituality nor superstition. She however reveals that her beliefs stem from a rainy accursed time period she was born into; a typhoon season which took many lives. The great typhoon resulted in unprecedented post war time suffering, referred to as the '1935 blight.' While selectively skipping out on much detail in the recounting,

Pumpkin Cat: Melissa's beloved feline who has different colored eyes. Though discouraged by her family, it sleeps with her, and has been a source of immense companionship since she was a younger child. In her dreams, Pumpkin has appeared as a large humanoid feline in armor!

Javier Santana: Thirteen year old Javier is considered a 'good boy' in a neighborhood of adolescents with overall destructive tendencies. Javier inherited his mother's Anglo American dominant features, and does not consider himself openly Hispanic. His parents have brought him up in a sheltered environment, with limited freedoms. He is known for his typical room of toys, and latest electronic games. His deep conversations with Melissa have earned him a special place in her heart. However due to his age, she is treated by him like a gaming 'buddy', rather than a love interest. His immaturity around her abounds for inadvertently dismissing that she is a growing girl by his frequent locker room comments. He claims to believe in Melissa's 'odyssey,' but only in a sense of his self centeredness. He aspires to discover his 'warrior princess., 'while it has yet to be revealed exactly why. The 'figurative quest' he has joined Melissa on mostly resides in the connection with the 16 bit role playing games they play together; and the real life occurrences of their surroundings. Something they intend to draw imaginative conclusions from. Hence a pilgrimage of sorts. He has become increasingly troubled by the recent changes in Lester's personal life. The child in him looks up to Lester as a big brother, with a feeling of unyielding loyalty and commitment. Nevertheless within him is a growing struggle to stick with Melissa, who he finds comfort and solace with. Yet in still like Melissa; denies that he is romantically involved with her.

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