Chapter Six

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Sammie's P.O.V

As i walk back upstairs I see Ash leaving my room.When I get back to my room,I set the drinks down and get back on my bed."What was that about?"I ask Em."What was what about?"she asks me."Ash?"I say."Oh nothing."Em states."Oookay then"I say while I turn on Maroon 5.Caleb walks in and hands me and Em one box of pizza."Thanks bro."I tell him."No problem.Oh yeah,Em,Luke seems really into you,"Caleb says.Em blushes"Hehehe Kay"she says.Caleb laughs and walks out."Hoe."she says.I giggle and eat some pizza.


At like 2am,i head downstairs to get some water and I find Ash passed out on the couch,Luke passed out on my coffee table,and Caleb passed out on the counter.'WTF happened down here'I think to myself.All i see is pizza boxes and the Xbox.So I'm not really sure.I get myself some water and head back upstairs to find that Em has gotten off the floor and taken,over my bed.I head back downstairs and get on the other couch and fall asleep.I am awaken by the smell of coffee and bacon.Em is already downstairs,she loves,bacon and probably smelled it earlier.I slowly sit up and adjust my blanket.I just now realized I am wearing pajama pants and a MCR croptop.I completely forget that Ash spent the night and I stand up and go get some coffee.After i have made my cup, i turn around."Ehem"Em says,glancing over at Ash who is staring at me."Morning"I say which makes Ash's eyes dart of me and stare at the floor.I take a sip of my coffee and head back to the couch."Morning Sammie"Ash says blushing,he knows I caught him staring."Morning."I say yawning.Luke wakes up and his hair is literally everywhere.He stands up and grabs a piece of bacon and sits beside Em.Caleb stares at me.I mouth the word what.Nothing he mouths back.I stand up and head upstairs to change.Once,in my room I find a note on my bed.

(Note as follows)


Hey.I know i am like a brother to you,but something is changing inside me.Your so beautiful.I think I'm falling for you.Just meet me at the park at 2 today,please.


Oh My God...What's Going On?

How Can He Be Falling For Me?

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