Chapter 4

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Sammie's P.O.V

I run outside to find Em,punching Bryan ib the face.His nose is bleeding and blood is all over Em's fist."YOU BITCH GET OFF ME!"Bryan is screaming."You hurt my friend,jackass.Your gonna die,"Em says.Em,continues beating Bryan till he is knocked out.She then stands up and,heads towards me."There ya go "she says as she wipes the blood,off her hands."Umm okay.Thank you?"I say."Your welcome"she says smiling mischievously."Are we just gonna leave him there?"I ask Em."Yesh"Em tells me."Okey"I say as we head into my house.


"Hey Sammie.Hey Em."Caleb says as we walk in."Hey bro"I say,"Whatcha doin?" "I'm making a welcome cake for Ash's cousin who is moving in with him."He tells us."Cool.What's his name?"Em and I ask in unsion."Luke"Caleb replies.


"COMING"I yell at the door.I open it to find Ash and,who I'm guessing is Luke.Luke is not what I had expected.He has light brown hair and has his lip,pierced.I know i have my nose pierced,but woah."Hey Ash "I say."Hey Sammie."Ash says flashing,his signature smile,pulling me into a hug."This is Luke.Luke,this is Sammie and her best friend Emily.Just call her Em."Ash says."Hey Sammie.Hey Em"Luke says,smiling when his eyes meet Em's.Em smiles back and then crosses her eyes.She winks.Luke,winks back and then follows Ash and Caleb downstairs to play Xbox.

I know I know,this was a short chapter.
I iz sorry.I'll write more.Hopefully,soonishhhhhhhh.

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