Chapter 4

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"Dad, what are you doing here" I say in an angrily voice. "You left us, you monster" I say as I try to push him, but he grabs me and says calm down. I move back slowly just a little. "What are you doing here" he says. "The last thing I remember is flashing lights, I think it was a train" "and what was on the train any substances" he says "I saw coal" "were you driving a car" he says "why are you asking me all of these questions" "because I never left you and your mom,"

Gabe's Dad P.O.V

I was fired from my job but I didn't want to tell your mother. So I got into street racing. I won all the time, my opponents were nothing to me as long as I won, so I could put food on the table and hive you clothes that's all that mattered, if I could just keep up the charade a little longer then I could stop and we would have enough money. But that night, that I "left" you guys. I was challenged to a race. His name was Jackson. He hated me and I had the same feelings for him. He bet 10k on that race that night. How could I, the champion pass that up. So I told your mother that I was going to the office real quick. But I wasn't. I left out and went to my secret garage. I grabbed my fastest car. It wasn't to fast that I couldn't turn easily, it was just right. I drove to the starting point and made my biggest mistake. Starting the race. I was winning but I wanted to really win, like win by a mile, so I turned on some nitrous and drove we had to drive on the rail road tracks to get across. I was driving dine but then my nitrous turned off and for some odd reason my car shut down. I opened the hood of the var to see what happened. It turns out Jackson cut the radiator off so I wouldn't win. My car still had its nitrous in it. Then I heard a loud horn like to loud to be a car. Then I hear "chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo" I looks to my left and two inches from the car. There it was a train. It was like looking death right into its eyes. It couldn't slow down fast enough. It hit me and the car while the hood was still open. The nitrous burned my face and when the train hit some coal flew out and hit my face. It burned, it burned so bad I didn't realize that it was all over my body. I just wished that I died. It was too painful.

"Wait so what does this have any thing to do with me" Gabe said. "Because you are in something called the speed force, this dimension that we are in is called speed force, and you only have one chance to get out" "so how do I get out of the speed force" "I'll need to train you to get out" I say. "You have to to teleport your consciousness into your body" "you see that clock" I say. He nods. It was a big round clock with stick like beams sticking out of it. " when the clock hits zero,at that time you have 30 seconds to teleport out of here""Gabe this is your last chance to leave,are you ready" he looks at me and says "yes"

Authors note

Sorry haven't been able to update lately you know I have school so I tried to give you a big chapter. Thanks for supporting.

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