That pic is my blue hair =^,^=
Nobody knows the real me. nobodyKnows how many times I've cried in
My room when nobody's was watching.
Nobody knows how many times Iv lost hope,
How many times I've been let down.
Nobody knows how many times I felt like I'm about to snapBut I just don't, for the sake of others and myself.
Nobody knows the thoughts that go through my head when I'm sad
How horrible they truly are.
Nobody knows me or wanna get to even notice I exist.
If you drop me
I will break
If you hold me
I will shake
If you need me
I will hurry
If you don't message me
I will worry
If you hurt me I will cry
But if you leave me
I won't forget
And I will
-sniffles my best friend use to tell me this quote all the time but he's gone now well ... It's
"you saw my pain, washed away in the rain
Broken glass, saw the blood run through my veins
But you saw no fault no cracks in my heart
And you knelt down beside my hope torn apart
But the ghosts that we knew will flicker from
And we'll live along life
So give me the hole in the darkness that I will see
Cause oh they gave me such a fright
But I will hold you as long as you'd like
Just promise me you'll be alright."
You know my name
Not my story
You've herd
What if done
Not what
Iv been
"I'm sowwie
I'm so so sowwie
I'm sowwie I've got to be
This way.
But it hurts me
More then it hurts you think
I wish it wasent like
This anymore.
Forgive me
For being this way
I need HELP
I need comfort
Please jsut save me
From myself"