Sugawara Koushi X reader | Secrets

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"Koushi?" Y/n tried the wake up a pale male "hm?" He didn't want to wake up "We're at school" she fixed sugawara's hair "Your hair was getting messy" she smiled at Sugawara and got off the bus "W-wait y/n!" He ran off the bus "yes?" Y/n turned around "We should go on a date later.... If you wan-" she took his hand and started walking him to the gym "I'll go on a date with you just pick me up at 7" she gave him a kiss on the cheek and then left him near the gym "Okay!" The h/c female turned around and gave him a smile "who's that?" Yachi appeared behind Sugawara "Just a friend" he walked to the gym with Yachi "what about you an-" she turned 50 shades of red "never mind" Suga laughed a little "That was L/n Y/n from Class d3,right?" "Yeah that's Y/n" he looked up "I'm surprised you two aren't dating"  "what? No,y/n and I neverrr" Yachi rolled her eyes at him "So I'm guessing she isn't a friend" "she is a friend, don't tell anyone about this though" Suga opened the gym doors "Good morning!"

"Y/n-san is such a goddess, have you seen her?!" Nishinoya screamed after seeing her pass by the gym "Who's y/n?" Kageyama and Hinata Asked, Nishinoya and Tanaka jumped a little "You don't know who y/n is?!" Nishinoya point at y/n "y/n is that pretty girl from class 3d" Yachi said "that's y/n!,wait y/n is here?!" Suga got off the court to see Y/n "What happened?" She took his hand and took him outside "Nothing I just wanted to talk to the baby, I just forgot to ask you if I could borrow him"  he smiled and took her inside. Everyones head's turn to see the duo standing next to the door "Good morning, I hope I don't cause any issues" she looked at Daichi "how's my favorite Volleyball captain?" She hugged him "am I not the only volleyball captain you know?" She rolled her eyes "Well there's Oikawa but he's such a baby" she extended her hand so he could shake it "How's the baby?" "What baby?" Y/n pointed at Hinata "Koushi is that him?" He nodded 

"Wait what?! She calls Suga by his first name?" Nishinoya and Tanaka we're giving Suga death glares. "I've heard so much about you!" She ruffled his hair "My name is Hinat-" "Yeah I know" she stared at him "He's perfect!" Suga laughed a little "For what?!" Hinata asked "Well a company actually asked if I could design some clothes for them and I need a model, and I am going to ask you if you wanted to be my model?" Hinata nodded "Okay I'll be taking him then" she gave Daichi an excuse for hinata to not go to practice for a week "Koushi we need to talk too" they all looked at Suga

"Y/n what do you need?" She fixed his hair and kissed him "I'll see you later then" he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into another kiss she smiled a little "We can finish this on our date" Hinata was waiting for y/n behind the gym she ran to hinata and waved goodbye to Suga

"Y/n how did you know my measurements?" Hinata asked "Oh Kiyoko gave them to me" his mouth formed a 'o' "here try this on" she gave him a some long grid patterned pants with turtle neck to wear under a T-shirt "You made this?" She nodded and pushed Hinata into a changing room, he came out but his hair was messy she gestured to him to sit down "hey y/n" she started fixing his hair "yes?" "Are you and Suga dating?" "Koushi and I are just friends, we've known each other since our 1st year in middle school, why are you asking?" "Because I saw you two kissing earlier" she turned red "You know hinata you should totally look at yourself" he looked at himself in the mirror "who am I? I would be gay for this guy" he looked at his hair "woahhh" 


"Y/n where's hinata?" She pointed behind her "What have you done to our little tangerine?!" They all looked at hinata he actually looked like a guy his age, well he looked like a famous singer in disguise "I would actually date him if he looked like that" Yachi agreed with me "But what about Suga?" Hinata blurted out still not knowing that he said that "SUGA?!" They all turned to sugawara he just looked away "Pfft Koushi and I never" she looked away "Yeah y/n and I never ever" She looked at hinata to see that he was daydreaming "What about when you two kissed earlier?" Hinata finally snapped out of it to see he wasn't day dreaming and he just exposed Suga and y/n he decided to put his hand over his mouth "Well I think you two need to explain this" they both looked at each other Suga nodded "Okay Koushi and I have been dating for 2 years" "and we decided not to tell anyone because we would feel pressured to be a loving couple every moment, don't get my wrong I love y/n but sometimes I need silence and so does she"  y/n tried to keep her cool but deep inside she was screaming "No like we want the story of how it happened" Nishinoya asked "Suga, I think you can remember that day" y/n winked at him "well it all started when


Y/n was watching Karasuno play to go to nationals but She was mostly here because Asahi invited me Half of the time she was on my phone until She heard a whistle, She ran down the stairs and into the gym She only saw  them crying When they finished thanking everyone I ran to Daichi "Hey you did your best, you'll do better next time" he smiled at me "Thanks y/n" Asahi was just scary so I decided to talk to him later, until I Saw suga he was a sobbing mess "Suga come here" She extended my arms for him he ran into her arms hugging her while breaking down "Shh it's okay" She took his hand and took him to the bus "Hey, you did amazing Suga" She ruffled his hair "B-but we s-still lost" he sobbed more "Hey Suga, even the best setters lose the only thing that matters is that you tried your best" he smiled a little bit "Hey can I tell you something" he looked up at her "Yeah anything" he took a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear "You're the most beautiful and precious female I have ever meet" y/n blushed at his comment "Thanks" he intertwined his fingers with hers "And I like you, what I mean is that I love you" she jumped a little "I love you too" she looked at his creme brown eyes "And also will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled "Of course I will" she put her arms around Suga's neck While he put his hands on her waist 

He leaned in for the kiss and she returned the kiss "Y/n?! Suga?!" Asahi yelled getting on the bus both of them jumped and sat down "why are you two red?" A 3rd year asked "n-no reason" they both answered 


"That isn't fair! I wanted to date y/n" Nishinoya frowned "Same here!" Tanaka yelled "Well sorry but she's taken" Suga took your hand "We'll be going now"  "do you two have a date or something?" Tsukishima asked "Yes sir" Y/n smiled at them 

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