Kageyama Tobio X Reader | cheater

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Y/n's pov

I wanted to surprise Kageyama at his volleyball game since I haven't seen him in 1 year because he was so busy. I called Hinata and he answered "Y/n! Are you on our jet yet?" He asked "mhm the pilot was looking at me weird when I told him I was Kageyama's fiancé" I told him "about that y/n I have to tell you so-" I cut him off "I'll be there in about 20 minutes,okay Hinata?"  I hanged up the phone and called Kageyama which he answered "Y/n I'm busy right now. I'll call you back later" he spoke coldly "Okay I love y-" "bye" he hanged up "you" I couldn't even finish and then the plane went onto the ground.

I picked up my luggage and went down the stairs to see Hinata and Nishinoya "Y/n!" They both screamed "hey guys " I responded "here let me help you y/n" noya took my luggage while hinata walked me to the exit and into a taxi "We'll see you at the game!" The closed the door and ran to their taxi because of the fan girls I giggled and the taxi driver gave me keys probably to the hotel room "thank you" I told him.

I completely forgot to check my phone only to see pictures of me,Hinata and Noya running out the airport doors I liked them and added a comment 'me and the boys were just trying to run way from all the love people were giving' while I was on instagram I posted a picture and turned off my phone while I looked out of the window after a while we stopped at a expensive hotel "thank you here's a tip" I gave him 20 dollars and got out the door the plants looked so pretty and beautif- "Y/n over here!" Daichi yelled I walked to him "hm?" I looked at him "your room number is 132 it's on the 7th floor" he helped me carry my luggage up to my room and left I got the keys and opened the room.

It was such a pretty color of gray it was almost calming I got my clothes on and did my hair but I wanted to get Kageyama a present so I went to the Gucci store and bought him a tea mug (because we are expensive here) I remembered where Tobio's house was so I called a taxi and got dropped off at his house

I got the present and knocked on the door then it opened "Kageyama?" I looked in the house I put the present down and went upstairs I went to a room that was filled with woman's clothes and pictures of kageyama and someone...he looked so happy...I even saw some where they were kissing  and then someone came into the room "Babe there's someone in here!" She screamed...so she calls him Babe "what is it Ochu?" He walked into the room "Y-y/n?!" He looked so surprised I pushed him out of the way and ran out the house "Tobio? Was that your fiancé?" She asked "Yeah..." he looked at all the pictures of him and Ochu "she's beautiful, if you don't fight for her she'll never be yours" Ochu walked out of the room "I messed up" he ran out the house trying to find you "Y/N!" He screamed trying to find you 

"h-he doesn't love me" I sniffed "I mean he probably doesn't deserve you " Tsukishima blurted out "Kei shut up!" Suga hit the back of his head "Ow I just saying the truth" tsukishima stated "The game starts in a hour you guys should start warming up" I got up and wiped away my tears "are you sure about this y/n? Tsukishima and I can stay with you" Suga spoke "No I'll go support the team besides My mom is bringing the kid" I forgot about my kid " Y/n?!" Kageyama ran into the gym "uhhh she isn't here!" Tsukishima screamed "She's coming to our game, right?" Kageyama asked "uh no she has to stay home with her kid" Tsukishima answered "STUPID! KAGEYAMA DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE KID!" suga yelled "kid? Since when did Y/n have a kid?" I tried to get out by the back door but I dropped my phone "shit! My phone!" I yelled "y/n?" Suga and Tsukishima mentally slapped me I ran out the door "RUN! Y/N! I.C.E IS COMING FOR YOU!" tsukishima yelled 

Kageyama chased after me "Leave me aloneee!" I ran faster "Y/n let me explain" kageyama yelled  I stopped to catch my breath "y/n..." I turned around  "Leave me alone!" He tried hugging me "I-i don't know you" I pushed him away "and neither does your daughter" I walked away  "what? Y/n come back!"

--Time skip 1 year later--

I brought Aria with me to see koushi play, Aria was very happy to see him.

"Aria do you want to see uncle Koushi?" She nodded and clapped "plane!" She pointed at the private jet The team owned "yeah uncle Koushi and Tsukishima own it" her face lit up "Tsuki!" Aria screamed I turned to see Tsukishima "hey Tsukishima!" He smiled "Hey y/n! Let me see this kiddo" he picked Aria up from my arms "Aria! It's been such a long time" he spoke "mhm!" She clapped "here y/n I got you a present" Tsukishima took out  multiple boxes "they're for you and Aria" He gave me the boxes "Thank you Tsukishima" I spoke and got on the jet "Mama!" Aria jumped onto my seat "what's wrong Aria?" She pointed at a picture of Suga,Kageyama,Noya and hinata "That's papa!" She Pointed  at Kageyama

"No, we don't know him" Tsukishima came out of the restroom "Koushi is waiting for us at the airport" he told us "Uncle Kou!" Aria screamed "yeah kiddo, do you wanna see the clouds?" He pointed at the window "Sí!" She screamed "Y/n. Don't let Aria watch dora. She already looks like dora" I laughed "mhm okay"


"Y/n wake up!" I woke up in sugawara's house "Aria went downstairs and Kageyama is down there!" I got up and ran downstairs 

"Kageyama leave Aria alone" Tsukishima yelled "how come you can hold her but I can't!?" Kageyama responded "Momma!" Aria ran to me "Hi baby"I put a strand of her hair behind her ear "Y/n?!" Kageyama stood there in shock "Mamma! It's papa!" Aria pointed at Kageyama "papa is long gone,Aria..." I turned around "Y/n? We need to talk" he grabbed my wrist I looked at tsukishima but he only mouthed 'i.c.e caught you' "okay..."  

I turned back around and went upstairs to the guest bedroom where I was staying "what do you want to talk about?" He threw me on the bed and got on top of me "who's the kid,Y/n?" He whispered "My kid" I wanna cry and scream and slap him for being so stupid "who's the father? Y/n...please say it's me" My eyes widened at being able to hear that "Her name is Aria, Aria Kageyama " his eyes widened "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because you cheated on me,wouldn't answer my calls nor read my letters" he had tears in his eyes "Y/n... I messed up and I'm sorry I didn't mean it" he kissed me "Kag-" "just let me have this...just at least one more time"he spoke "Kageyama" I put my hand in his hair "I missed you so much,Y/n" "I missed you too" He smiled "EWWWWW MAMMA AND PAPA" Aria gagged "Omg get a room!" Tsukishima picked Aria up and ran


I'm getting a fish😭😇👀 my best friend Mario is getting me one and his name will be Boomer and he's going to be the best fish ever. 


'I deserve someone who gives a shit. I'm not spending another second with you! Your a unfaithful Prick, your a prick!'


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