The Giant nightmares of a tiny heart

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It was nearing morning in the knight academy on Skyloft. All were asleep: the teachers, the headmaster and who can forget the students? Well... almost all of the students... One particular student was rudely awakened from slumber once again, yet it wasn't at the hands of another nightmare, no... rather it was at the hands; or vocal chords if you will; of a surprisingly small resident!

It has been weeks since Link slept soundly throughout the night. Constantly tormented by nightmares of a dark matter that would transform into a gigantic monster and destroy everything and everyone he loves, that is... until he hears the soothing voice calling out for calming...but he's yet to find out who or what it belongs to. It has settled down a after while, but he still fears that nightmare would return again.

But tonight was different though. Yesterday he found his day turned topsy turby by a strange young damsel, not even taller than his boot! The top of her head brushed only passed halfway his knee. She seemed scared, like she was on the run from something, but what? It's been a long day yesterday and it took a lot just to get her calm enough to fall asleep! Link was exhausted, yes, but pleased she was finally resting instead of running into and/or under things! That is until she started screaming again...

The girl woke up in tears: Crying, screaming as if she was in horrible pain!

"NOOOOO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" she yelled at the top of her lungs while fending off an invisible danger, yet her eyes were still closed.

The scream was so loud Link jumped out of bed and landed badly hitting his head against the floor again! But right now he was way too concerned about his new roommate. Quickly getting up and sitting on the bed next to her, as they didn't have a smaller bed for her to use, and because she still tended to escape every now and then.

The outside world was pretty overwhelming for such a small person to be exploring on their own, and chock-full of dangers!

Link knew it wouldn't help her much if she saw him, but it would be better than fruitlessly fighting something you can't even touch!

"Hey, hey, Shhhhhhh-sh-sh-shhhh...Wake up, it's okay. You're just dreaming." He carefully nudged her in an attempt to wake her up.

Inside her dream though, was a horendous sight! There were grassy fields for as far as the eye could see, and far in the distance a town with a castle behind it. They were all engulfed in flames and the fields around her were dying. It became eerily dark, as thick dark clouds rolled in and lightning began to strike! She was alone in the fields witnessing all of this and began calling for people, anyone at all; in hopes of seeing any sign of life in this apocalyptic wasteland.

She heard something strange...heavy breathing... but it didn't sound like that of a tired person, no, it sounded more beastlike than anything else! It was loud and sent chills down her spine, as she sensed there was something horribly wrong with it. when she turned around to check where it was coming from, she saw that looked like an emalgamation between a Giant-monster-demon-warthog and a human?!

What the heck was that thing she was looking at?! It was wearing a black tunic with grey underclothing, but his clothes were torn at the elbows and knees, which revealed that this creature was covered from head to toe with fur. It had huge claws and the ones on it's feet resembled hooves that tore right through what used to be boots, and it had a long tail.

But what she couldn't get out of her mind was it's face; it was wearing a long black pointy hat, it had messy crimson red hair but it's face looked absolutely scary! It resembled a young man whom was stuck in mid-transformation from human to werepig-monster! Large tusks protruding from it's lower jaw and a maw chock-full of razorsharp teeth!

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