Chapter 1

15 2 0

Rule: #2
All students are to keep to students of there same origin. Meaning blue sticks with blue and red with red.

28 September 2019

"Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day, ok Sweety. And stay away from the boys!"the girl's mother said. "Yes of course Mom," she replied playfully rolling her eyes. The mother takes one last look at her daughter, placing both her hands on her shoulders before pulling her in for a tight hug, knowing fairly well that neither of them would be seeing each other for a few months. The mother looked over the girl proudly and straitened the navy blue tie the girl was wearing.

"Madame are you going to board the bus?" asked the uniformed bus driver. The girl and her mother exchanged a look with each other and said their goodbyes. The girl gets onto the bus with the schools legendary emblem on it and waves to her mother as the bus departs from the stop.

Upon geeting on the bus and finding her self a seat ,she connected her cyan blue headphones to her phone and playing her favourite songs to accompany her through the ride to her new school.


After spending nearly the entire day in the bus, she had finally arrived at her destination. In front of her lays a huge school campus.

She walks through the silver gates only to be greeted by a guy in a blood red uniform. He wears two red stripes on both cheeks meaning he is a fourth year student. And aroung his neck is a necklace with a bat like symbol on it.

"Hello I am Stefan."he said holding out his hand for her to shake."and who might you be young lady?"he asked running a hand through his ebony hair.

"My name is (Y/n)(l/n)."she replaid. Shaking his hand and realised how cold it was. He quickly took his hand away and beacon for her to follow him.

"Well I must welcome you to our little school. Seeing as I am a prefect here at this school."he pointed to a shiny golden badge pind to his blazer written in a foreign language.

"Don't worry about the language it is one that this school teaches there students. " he says. Almost as if reading her mind.

"Anyway I'll show you around and the school parts where you will be allowed to spend your time." he said. "Oh and you may leave your luggage here. Some of the volunteers around the dorms will take it up to your room."he pointed to a corner in the room where a few other student's luggage was.

The pair went walking around the school talking about a few of the stupid rules that this school had especially that of there uniform, and so on.

"Yeah like don't really get why there are rules such as that I mean it is a big pain having to apply makeup every night and then to remove it again in the begining of the morning. Such a pain." he stressed.

"Haha well at least you have only two years of this dumb school. And I am only begining mine." She said and he nodded his head and smiling at the fact that she would be waering five ponytails tomorrow. And he only has to wear two stripes.

"Anyway what did you mean by putting them on every night and then only to remove them in the morning?"she asked. "Well you see I am one of the few night students at this school. In time you will come to learn the colours and which one is from which side."he said opening a door to one part of the huge building and showed her in side. "This is the dining hall. The different colours among the tables show where you are allowed to be seated. Let's just say with the colour rule or rule number two in the rule book that hopefully has already been provided for you."he said.

"Oh and before I forget. Breakfast starts at 7:00 just before school atarts at 7:45. Lunch is around 11:00 to 11:30 and supper around 18:00 to 18:45 just a few hours before curfew that is at 20:00."he said walking around her and once again gestured for her to followhim again.

"What is the deal with these colours anyway?"her curiosity getting the best of her. "U-uuh...w-well the school has them to keep control over different tipes of students and to be able to differentiate between them. Sort of like in Harry Potter where they have houses where they place the students. But if I where you I would try to stick to the blue coloured uniforms and not fiddle with rule number 2. Since it is there for reasons."he sweated.

Not long after exiting the dinning hall, they walked into a huge rectangular peace of ground surrounded by buildings. "This is the quad. Where assembly is held after breakfast and again a few hours before lunch. Here you will receive announcements about the school day and reminders as to things out side of the school that is important to know."he said.

And then they were off again. But something he had said earlier had her mind racing so she decided to just ask him."Well with the rule number two... why are you? A blood red uniform? Showing around a navy blue uniform?"she asked.

"Well you see (Y/n) that is quite the funny question, because you see we prefects are allowed to break that rule upon the first few days of school. The reason being that there are a lot of new students in other grades and the first years like you. And seeing as there are only four prefects in each colour's grade al but for the exception of the the last years that have the headboys and girls followed by the four underheadboys and girls then there is the also the four prefects serving under them."he paused at another few huge buildings.

"These are the classrooms. Now to warn you that in certain classes you will be in a class with other colours. As for the reason of class space being needed."he said.

"Now on with what i was saying earlier. They are there to keep an eye over the students and if anyone disobey any of the rules, are bullying any one or disrupting class they are taken straight to the headmaster's office."he continued.

"Oh that is understandable. Stefan? Have you ever been to the headmaster's office because you did not obey?" she asked.

"You ask to many questions you know that?"he asked. "Hehe sorry I didn't mean to."she apologises.

"No no."he waves his hands in front of his face. "It is alright. It only makes you human (Y/n). And as for your question I have never been to her office, because of disobedience. No I have been there for meetings with the headmaster and she is not so bad actually she is rather kind and sometimes a little to calm where I think is what can make her scary to others."he said.

Then they arrived at a building that was smaller then the one before, but was covered in a navy blue like the girls uniform. He stoped at the entrance, but did not enter it this time. Listening to your questions and giving answers as much as possible

"As to what you said earlier. Do you know what happens if you do not obey?" She asked another question. He glares at her before answering her question.

"No I don't know but the punishment depends on the deed."he said.

"Well here is your dorm they should have someone who can take you to your room." He said bidding the (h/l) girl a goodbye, before heading back to the school gates to attend to his duties.

A/n Hello guys yeah her is the first actual chapter to the story.

Tell me how do you like it so far in to the story?

Do you like lil'ol' Stefan?

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Until next chapter
Wolf out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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