Chapter 2

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It didn't take me that long since I only shower after school and at night. Some people would find that disgusting but I don't really care.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face cause I do have oily skin. I look back at my reflection, my type 4 coils and my dark ebony skin with acne that you really couldn't see cause of my skin. I shrug and keep it moving cause they are bound to leave.

I walked down the hall cause we do live in a one story house. To see my dad watching the news, he had cereal waiting for me. I just find it funny that he never really cooks like that, it's always cereal or a banana. I mean i don't really care as long as I get some food.

"Today there will be a 50% chance of rain so don't forget..." I stop listening and went through my phone, nothing really happened my phone is dry as expected.

"I won't be picking you up today so make sure you bring an umbrella in case you have to walk" my dad's voice broke the silence.

I can ask my friend for a ride and plus I don't want to bring an umbrella cause I always leave them.


Me and my dad stare at each other for a minute and broke out laughing cause we both know he didn't have anything to do.

"Your mom and I was thinking about getting a pet cat, and I know you've want one since like forever" I smile cause hell ya. Cats are the easiest to take care of cause they take care of themselves.

"Yessir!" I said really loudly and my dad rolled his eyes. I put the cereal bowl in the sink and head out the door. I go to a predominately white school. They're not racist in front of me or anything. Just a bunch of cool white kids.

I arrive and saw the big, PANTHERS, sign on the side of the school where you drop off. I wave back to my dad and shut the door.

My head was recently done, my mom had time to give me some box braids. They were in a ponytail kinda high and was pulling on my edges so I pulled them out a little.

I continue walking down the patio to go meet my friends. Bella was sitting alone at the patio tables. She was always the first one there, her parents took school seriously so she's always there. I waved at her and smiled. She smiled back.

"Hey, I was starting to get scared that people was gonna try to sit here." That probably sounded stuck up but it wasn't like that. People just sat any where cause the patio tables were limited.

We chatted some more and our other friends started to show up. Beatrice was the Haitian one that greeted everyone because she says that's how it is back in Haiti. Loren was the MUA, always has flawless make up. The range she has is crazy. Last but not least Mya sweet girl really quiet around other people but really loud when she's around us.

"Guys, apparently Gus is throwing a party and he invited pretty much everyone. We have to go!" Said Beatrice, this would be our first party cause the back to school one they threw we didn't go cause everyone was out of town.

"I mean I'm down." I said. We pretty much agree on going, I don't see why not. Gus was a cool guy. I would have to sneak out but I think my parents know and they understand.

We talked about the weekends and some guys came and chatted till the bell ring but we disperse like some roaches after you turn on the light.

I text my dad that Beatrice would bring me cause I wanted to chill. My dad said alright cause he knows Beatrice mom who basically had a meeting with my parents to know who's her daughter hanging out with.

Mya, Beatrice, Loren, Bella and me are just talking by Beatrice Jeep. "Bro, I've been taking tests all day," said Mya, "I just can't wait till I get home" we know Mya wasn't gonna sleep but play the sims which she been obsessed with since sims 3.

I rolled my eyes and remembered I have a project due at the end of the week and I'm probably gonna scram a 3 week project into 3 days. "What's the move right now?" I said.

"Let's go to my house but let's get some snacks first I ran out of pizza rolls, the only thing I have is bbq chips" I cringed when Loren said bbq cause I liked them sometimes but most of the time they were gross.

"Y'all know I can't make it but I'll see you" everyone frown at Bella. "You better make it to Gus' party I'm dragging you out the house" said Beatrice trying to lighten the mood.

"You guys know how my parents are." Strict parents suck.

"We'll find a way to get you out" and we all nodded cause we knew our girl Bella needs to party.

Everyone except Bella got into Beatrice car to go to Loren's house.


I actually don't know what I'm doing with this story😬😬
I'm just trying to make it as normal teenage girl as I can like with the language and all. Also their group is not like a "popular" group there's no such thing where they live.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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