Amelia groaned to herself as she woke up, a loud stereo voice telling her good morning and she wanted to die because of it. Her arse hurt still. She was still tired. And her vision was blurry. She groaned loudly again into the pillow in protest.
She slowly rolled herself over in the bed, attempting to get more comfortable and ended up laying on the cold tile floors. "Oooff!" Her cell mate, Gloria looked down at her from where she was standing in trackies and thermal T-shirt.
Gloria opened her mouth to speak but Amelia interrupted her. "Shh!" The girl pointed at her, and slowly the girl pulled herself to sit up. She lay her head on her bed and closed her eyes once again in protest.
"Mamá, in my locker there's a pair of glasses, could you get them for me please?" The girl asked the woman, she began to fish out the contacts in her eyes, they had probably slipped during her sleep. Once they were out she put them away in a pod and pulled the glasses onto her face, her eyes adjusting slowly.
Part of her vision was still blurred but she thought nothing of it and she began to pull herself up from the floor. She looked over to Gloria, she could see the woman smirking from behind the frames. She sat back on her bed the blanket wrapped over her again. Like it normally was.
Gloria sat next to her. "I didn't realise that you wore glasses." The woman wasn't expecting the girl to lean against her, but she stroked the girls hair, her nails gently massaging the scalp.
Amelia's eyes closed as she leant into the touch and hummed in content. "I don't like wearing them, but I have shitty vision in my left eye." She informed Gloria before half heartedly dragging herself up off of the woman. "I need to change."
Gloria gave the girls hair one final stroke before getting up to go to the showers. Leaving the girl to sluggishly move around to put clean clothes on.
Amelia didn't want to get dressed or go to work, she also really wanted a cigarette. She got herself ready quickly and pulled on her boots before wandering off to where the phones stood. Waiting until she could have a turn she pulled the phone off the box and began dialling a number.
There were four rings before someone picked up the phone. A voice floated through it was rough and yet silky, someone who could charm their way into doing what ever he wanted. "Well Amelia I didn't expec—"
"Shut up Ezra." The girl quietly snapped before looking around. "Ho bisogno di qualcuno al suo interno." The Italian floated out of her quickly and yet sounded like it was a piece of art in the form of words.
(I need someone inside.)
Ezra faulted a moment. "Cos'altro?"
(What else?)
Amelia smirked gently into the phone and spoke quietly. She looked around before speaking. "Un percorso dentro Ho bisogno di una bustarella."
(A path in. I need a bribe.)
Ezra didn't speak for a while, before he hummed into the phone. "venti percento."
(Twenty percent.)
Amelia smirked widened. "Quindici. Ho altri contatti."
(Fifteen. I have other contacts.)
"Venti. Tu hai bisogno di me."
(Twenty. You need me.)
Amelia rolled her eyes. "Bene."
"Un piacere, ti visiterò tra una settimana." The smooth deep voice replied before the phone went dead.
(A pleasure. I'll visit you in a week.)
A new life, a new family.
FanfictionAmelia McCallum of the infamous crime family, the McCallums. Twenty years old and serving 25 years in Litchfield. With Red, Mendoza and Vee out to play how will she handle running with the big girls from day one? Set in season 2. Mentions of Spankin...