Chapter 14: Meeting the "Friend"

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On Sunday, Mameko put on a beautiful dress and combed her hair thoroughly before she'd step out of the dorms. This got the girls quite agitated:

"Ah, Mameko-san, where are you going?"

"You want to meet your boyfriend?"

"Huh? What? N-No! I don't have a boyfriend!" Mameko blushed, "Cut it out, girls! It's just an editor! A friend!"

"Aww, who you're kidding?" Toru laughed.

"For real!" Mameko pouted, making all the girls laugh now. "Well, goodbye! I'll be back in the evening!"

"Have fun!"

Mameko left the U.A. grounds and took a train to her editor's office. However, she was excited about another matter - right after that meeting, she'd also hang out with Dabi! 

Why did he want to meet her, though? His tone sounded serious in that message... Was anything wrong? Or... was it perchance a date?! 

She blushed - what the hell?! She shouldn't fly in pink clouds like that! He was just a friend, he'd never call her out on a date! But, what if...

She quickly discarded all the thoughts and began to listen to music to distract herself from her girlish fantasies.


"Well, how is it?"

Mameko nervously watched her editor Hiro Ikemoto use his Keen Eye while running through the chapters of her manuscript. 

"I'll admit, you've exceeded my expectations, Mameko-chan!" Hiro put the papers down and looked at her with great excitement she had never seen on him before, "This is a whole new level! All these intrigues and details, Blue Flame, Electra, Bombarder, Saikō... Where did you get all these ideas from? To actually pair up Electra and Saikō against Bombarder and Blue Flame, while neither of the parties knows what it's all about? This is genius! I want to know what's going to happen in the next chapters that are yet to be written! You've left me intrigued - I have no idea what's going to happen in this book!"

"Wow, is it that good?" Mameko brightened up, "Ah, I'm so happy you liked it that much! I was scared..."

"You underestimate your talent, Mameko-San," Hiro said in a scolding tone. "This is a masterpiece. If it goes well, it might even turn out better than the first book, and you know how rare that is, don't you?"


"Alright, I've left minor notes here and there. Overall, I love the plot and the style, too. This one's a bit more masculine and agitating. If you don't mind me asking - did you have help?"

"No, not really..." Mameko scratched her head in timidity, not wanting to reveal anything about Dabi. "I guess, the change of air did its thing. Now that I lead an independent life in Japan far from my country, I've begun to undergo new sensations and, it's flashed out in my writing, too."

"Yeah, that might be it." Hiro adjusted his glasses with a smile. "They do often say that writers need a lot of travel to get fresh ideas... Well then, until our next meeting, Mameko-chan! Thank you for everything, as always!"

"Hehe, thank you! Goodbye!"

"You know, right? - Up to Chapter 15 and another meeting!"

"Yes! See you!"


Mameko took her belongings and walked out of the editorial office. She looked around, but couldn't spot Dabi. She took her phone out of her pocket and began typing a message. She heard the familiar deep voice:

"Hello, midget. Nice to see you again."

She flinched and looked up, just to gasp in shock - it was Dabi, but with white-to-red hair!

She flinched and looked up, just to gasp in shock - it was Dabi, but with white-to-red hair!

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She could hardly believe her eyes - how come he had white-to-red hair? He was black-haired, wasn't he?

"What, didn't recognize me?" Dabi chuckled as if his having a different hair colour wasn't at all surprising. "Wait, are you... bleeding?"

"What? Bleeding? Me? I'm not bleeding!" Mameko hastily wiped the blood off her nose with a handkerchief. "I'm not bleeding at all!"

"Hmph... Alright, let's go somewhere nice and quiet, shall we? I need to have a serious talk with you."

"Serious talk?" More blood came off Mameko's nose but she quickly wiped it off again, while Dabi stared at her much in confusion. "Um, let's go have some sushi?"

"Pah! No, thank you..." A frown covered Dabi's face. "I hate fish."

"What?! You, a dignified Japanese man, hate sushi?! Dishonour!" Mameko made an indignant face, apparently in a joking mood. When Dabi's unenthusiastic gaze met hers, however, she changed her tone immediately: "Uhm, then... Ah, I know! Wait, you don't hate meat too, perchance?"

"No, I'm indifferent to that."

"Perfect! Then, I know just the place for us to go!" Mameko grabbed his hand, "It's not far from here, either! We'll get there by train."

"I'm a bit carsick... Are you sure it's close?"

"Well, just a single stop..." Mameko glanced up at him in a stupor, "For real, though, hate fish, carsick, and red-to-white hair? You sound like a typical redhead who's been a nerd back at school, was bullied, had the hair gone white due to stress, and is now a villain to seek revenge."

"Yeah, I'd incinerate you for those words if we weren't close friends by now." Dabi poked her on the forehead. "Little midget who's been nearly run over by some wimpy heroes."

"Boo!" Mameko pouted, "Truly such an evil dude! Alright, let's go."

She took him to the train station. While they waited, Mameko turned to Dabi again:

"Why the new fashion, though? Did you dye it or?"

"Nah, it's my natural hair colour... Hate it, though." He rubbed it much annoyedly. "I had to come in disguise this time, so I washed my black hair-dye off, for the occasion."

"Wait, so this is your true hair colour, and you walk around dyed in black, all the freaking time?" Mameko widened her eyes, "Now that's some fashionista..."

"Told you, hate the natural colour... Bad memories."

"No worries, dude, black is always elegant!" Mameko rubbed his shoulder in a brotherly manner. "But you said you needed a disguise and so came with white-to-red hair... Why?"

They went into the train that had arrived and took seats. The wagon was nearly empty. There, Dabi whispered:

"You are hunted by my organization."

Mameko froze - hunted by the League of Villains, and she was now travelling in a barely-filled wagon with one of their highest officials?!

A Villain's Daughter - a Hero (Rose Flame, Book 1) [BNHA] (OC x Dabi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now