S1 E1

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Frank walked me to class like he did every day. Frank and I have been dating for a year and a half and it has been amazing. Everyone at school hates him and is scared of him but they don't know him like I do. I feel very protected when I'm with him. If someone insults me then they would have to answer to Frank. 

'thanks babe' I said with a smile

'anything for you' he said. He leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him.

'I love you' he whispered in my ear. 

'I love you too' I said back.

I looked in the windows either side of the door to my classroom. I saw that Alfie wasn't there. 'do you want to come in? Alfie isn't here yet' I said.

When Frank and I walked in, everything went quiet. 'Oi Oi Dick wads' he said, growling at everyone. Frank sat down in my seat and I sat on his lap. Everyone continued with their conversations but they were still weary that Frank was in the room. 

I was talking to Frank when Alfie came in looking like hell. He saw Frank and said 'don't you have a class to go to?' I glared at Alfie while he lay his head on his desk. 

'sorry about that babe' I whispered in his ear. 

'no its ok, I have to go anyway' said Frank, getting up and heading to the door. 

'love you, Beccs,  see you later' he said

'love you too, bye babe' I replied, smiling. After the door closed, Joe said 'I don't know what you see in him'.

'He's sweet once you get to know him. He may look tough and shit but he's actually just a softy' I said, thinking about him with a smile. 

'Well he scares the shit out of everyone. Even me ,your own brother, can't insult you without getting beat up by Grayson' Alfie said, massaging his head. 

'well that's a bonus for me, Alf' I said, sneering.

'ugh, my head hurts too much to hear your annoying ass voice' said Alfie.

I stuck out my tongue, childishly and Alfie did the same back. 'How do you have a boyfriend? Alfie asked.

Alfie lay his head on the table and went to sleep. I took out my phone to text Frank. 

Rebecca: Hey Babe

Frank: Hey Becks, why you not in class?

Rebecca: I am but Alfie has a hangover and is asleep. Oh and he called my voice annoying

Frank: Useless prick. I can come and beat him up for saying that about you.

Rebecca: No it's alright. Pickwell's coming so I gotta go

Frank: Alright. Love you

Rebecca: Love you too

I put my phone down just before Miss Pickwell came threw the door. 

'And thats how quiet Anne Frank and he family had to be to evade capture by the Nazis' he said, covering the fact that he has a hangover and was asleep. They talked about the mock exam papers. I knew he hadn't marked them because I had seen them lying on the table in the flat. Pickwell and Alfie left. 

Everyone went on with their own conversations, slept or go on their phones. 

Alfie came back and said 'do you want the good news or the bad news?' 

'the bad news' said Jing.

'the good news is that today's history module is pearl harbour and we all know what that means, IT'S CLASS WARS!' he shouted. We all got up and split in half. Alfie stated handing out parts. He gave one to Andre, Joe, Rem Dogg, Stephen and Jing. 

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