please forgive me viewers QwQ

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So... Uhh... Hi! It's creati signing in..

Uhmm... I haven't posted anything in a while... Please let me explain though ;-;

So i have a busy schedule due to school projects and school work and chores.

It's a lame excuse, yes but i had to prepare props for one of the projects and it took up my time and i wasn't able to give you guys content(which im still sorry for ;-;)

Because of this my schedule for the past weeks have been booked and i had to postpone the book for a while to work on my school projects and my dog

Because of that i made some time to finally stockpile some drawings that i did and would post them on the weekend but then my guilt of making you guys wait made me post this, hoping that you guys will forgive me for making you all wait but anyways,

I can promise that by the weekend i will show you all my stockpile and give you lovely readers the content you have been waiting for.

Thank you for reading! You are a lovely person! I wuv u all •w•

Thank you for reading! You are a lovely person! I wuv u all •w•

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Creati.exe is signing out!

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