Shavannah's Secret

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When I wake up from the half perfect night, again I wake I fear, I scream, waking Emmett in panic "Baby, What is it? What's wrong!"
"Look, on the wall over there!"
"Savannah what am I looking at?" Emmett is not a morning person at all, especially when he is hung over.
"Seriously, Emmett you can not tell me you can't see that writing on the wall!"

"I see something but I can't read it, without my contacts, what does it say baby?"

I walk to my dresser where the wall is dripping in blood. Written in the blood is "You loved me too, Didn't you, or was I not enough for you Savannah!"

"Savannah, get away from that, come here." Emmett was wide awake after I told him what was written I the wall. "Any idea what that means hun?"
I stay quite for a minute to think about the message I viewed on my bedroom wall written with dripping blood."It couldn't be, no that's impossible."
"What, what's impossible?"
"Well, do you remember two years ago when I went to France for modeling school, while we were only just friends and I was seeing that guy Logan, and you were dating Catherine Jennings."

"Yeah I remember that and we promised each other we would never speak of those two, but yes I do remember Logan. Why would he be related to this problem?"

"Well, one night Logan and I got really drunk and there is a possibility we had sex."

"I already know all this, please don't remind me, Catherine was a nightmare waiting happen. Logan too."

"Yes, he was, but that is besides the point. My point is I have not heard anything about him in the past two years. Maybe he is our ghost."

"That could be possible but how do we know if he even died, he can not be a ghost if he isn't dead!

"Emmett go down to the precinct and find out any information about Logan, medical history, if he died and if he did how he died. I am going to call Ava, to see if she remembers anything about Logan.''

Emmett and I get out of bed and get dressed quickly so we leave our bedroom. Emmett is a favored cop in the New York City Police Force, and he is very close with a detective that works with the police. While we didn't live in the city he still had the job, but he worked on cases from home. As he is about to leave for the precinct, Emmett kisses my forehead, grabs his coat and leaves the apartment.

I am now alone in the apartment with a possible ghost. I think to myself "stay calm this is okay." A clatter comes from the living room. "Shit."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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