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Ricky's POV
Today was the first day of our senior year and I can't wait to ask harley to be my girlfriend at the homecoming dance,I got up and got ready for school, After I finished I started to walk to school

'RICKY WAIT UP!' I heard harley say

'Hey!' I said hugging her

'You ready for senior year?' She asked holding my hand

'Yes I am, I can't wait to graduate!' I said holding her close to me

*1week before Homecoming* (Thursday)
It was end of school and I was the only only one in school grounds

'Bro, I've being waiting for you!' Chris said running up to me

'Hey whats up' I said

'Not much just checking on my favorite little raccoon boi' he said ruffling my hair

'Hey, we are only 1year apart' I said laughing

'Ready for band practice?' Chris asked

'Yep'  I said but then we were stopped by a group of guys that we've never seeing before

'Well,Well look who we have here Christopher Cerulli and Richard Olson'

'What do you want!' Chris groweld

'For you guys to forget About the Costello Sisters and create a gang' The guy with the same height as chris said

'Ehh no thanks we prefer to-' i was cut off by the same guy

'You guys don't have a choice is either create a gang or we kill your precious's girls!' He groweld

'Is that a threat,Who do you even think you are?' I said getting irritaded with this assholes

'If you put it that way then yes it is a threat, STAY AWAY FROM THEM! We are the black veil gang'

'Deal' I heard chris say

'WHAT! Have you lost your mind?' I whispered shout

'Look if its to keep the girls safe then im willing to keep ash safe' Chris whispered back and shaking the guy's hand

'Fine' I gave in and shook the guy's hand,Why does it feel like im doing a deal with the devil,I know this will hurt Harley a lot but i want her safe,From here on out I knew that I lost Harley forever.

(Next day at school)
Harley was at her locker getting her stuffs ready for the day, she hasn't heard from Ricky since Yesterday afternoon she tried calling/Text him but he never answered. She was cut out of her thoughts by her locker slamming shut, she jumped back only to be face to face with Ricky

'Ricky, you scared the shit out of me. Where have you being?' She asked smiling but he never returned her smile. He grabbed her by her neck and slammed her on the lockers

'Stay.Away.From.Me!'  He said but something catched his eyes he looked down and there it was around her neck the 'R' necklace he gave her in 9th grade. That's how Ricky and Chris created The 'MOTIONLESS' Gang.

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