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Ricky's POV
'Harley Please wake up' I said I checked her pulse but there was none

'No! Harley Don't leave me!' I could feel tears running down my faces

'I told you to leave us alone but you didn't listen and because of you I shot her!' Andy groweled

'Leave, this is all your fault!' I said giving Andy a vile look

'Haha, I won't leave until I see you dead!' He said pointing his gun at my head then everything went black

'Ricky wake up!' I heard Harley said

'Wha-' I shot up  I looked around to see that we are in our room

'You fell asleep babe' She said looking at me concerend


'MOMMY , I want to say hi to Jax and James' I look up and a little girl came running to the bed with Jack behind her

'Huh?' I said looking at Harley

'Babe, youre out of it,you ok?' Harley asked me

'Mommy?' I asked

'Baby, You knocked me up 4years ago before I left and you knocked me up again 8months ago when Jade turned 5 but this time duble so we had to cancel our wedding' she said standing  up from the bed and saw her stomach

'Holy shit how many months!' I exclaimed

'Any day now they'll be here' she said smiling kissing my forehead and walked out of the room with the kids

'What?' I said to myself I then grabbed my phone and called Chris

'Hello?' I heard him say

'Dude what day is it?' I asked

'Uh July 2nd 2023' He asked cunfused

'Wait what?'

'Dude you are out of it today don't you?' Chris said

'Yeah?' I said but it came out as a question then he started laughing

'Dude, last night you got really wasted'

'Huh? Last night?' I said getting more cunfused I don't even drink unless its in a party

'Dude, yesterday was your bachelor's party' he said

'When did I proposed to Harley?' I asked

'4years ago but then Jade dicided to make her entrance and you guys had to postpone everything but then you couldn't keep your dick away from harley then the twins happened so the guys and I gave you your bachelor's and Ash gave harley her bachelorette party last night to get that out of the way' He said yawning

'Alright thanks' I said hanging up then laid on the bed again

I walked down stairs to see Harley and the kids on the living room

'Hey, sleeping beauty' Harley said laughing

'Next time don't let me drink' I said laying my head on her lap but then I felt small kicks

'I guess they don't like it when you lay down on my lap' She said smiling I sat up and put my arms around her

'So are you going to tell me about your nightmare?' Harley asked after a moment of silence

'No,I don't want to talk about it' I said looking at the kids watching TV

'Baby, Get the car' I heard Harley gasp

'W-what?' I said looking at her

'GET THE FUCKING CAR,THE BABIES ARE COMING!' She groweld. Im glad that we lived close to the hospital so less than 10min we were walking into the emergency room.

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