chapter 19: Reunited with Eliana.

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after an hour of crying, I stood up. We were back in the castle. God my neck hurt. I had been leaning against the throne as Mom tried to calm me down. My ice didn't come to play. But the tears did turn in to ice. So I guess it did. I stared at Mom who was doing some letters.

"Oh, Adelade!" She sighed. "I miss them, too! But good news."

I sat up properly then. "What is the good news?"

"Come with me!" Mom stood up.

I got to my feet and followed her out. I wondered what the hell she was on about. I felt that she was lying to me. But I wouldn't question it any further.


Once we got outside, A dog came at me. "Rosebud?" I said.

"Hi, Adelade," said the dog. "It's nice to see you."

"And you, girl!" I cuddled her. "Where's Glacier?"

"I'm here, Adelade!" Glacier walked to me. She must be in her late twenties now. I remember the last time I saw her, she was twenty. She hugged me close. "We missed you!"

"I missed you, Rosebud, Auntie Elsa and Eliana." I smiled, feeling happiness flood through me.

"Where is your mom and Eliana, Glacier dear?" Asked Mom.

"Riding the Nokk!" Sighed Glacier. "Me and Rosebud swam here. Well, I got us here! Let's say my powers haven't been that great either."

"I forgot you had powers," I admitted. "Did you flood Northuldra?"

"Yeah!" Sighed Glacier. "Accidentally. But Grandpabby told me off. He doesn't like me."

Mom hugged her. "Well, you are safe here for a bit!"

"What do you mean for a bit?" said Glacier looked worried.

"Don't worry, Glace!" I sighed. "I feel safe here."

"You do?" Glacier gave me a questioning look.

"Yes," I said strongly. "So if I feel safe, you will!"

I didn't know I could be so wise.


Soon, two more people came. Auntie Elsa smiled at Mom, Glacier, Rosebud and I. Then I saw her. She was tall and looked very skinny. Her eyes glinted like midnight. She was so beautiful. I got excited.

"Eli?" I squealed.

Eliana smiled. "Adelade?"

We both squealed and ran at each other. Mom and Auntie Elsa giggled at us. I wrapped my little sister in my arms.

"Eli," I said smiling. "I so missed you."

Eliana hugged me tightly.

"I missed you too, sis," she admitted. "I'm glad to be home."

I felt my heartbeat like it hadn't before. I felt Eliana get tighter on her grip.

"Oh, Adelade!" Her muffled voice was so different. "You are still with me."

I ruffled her white-blond hair.

"Of course I am," I said. "I'll never leave you for anything, little sis."

I knew that their words were not quite true. But I hoped that my heart wouldn't give itself up to the ice.


Awwwwwwww. I wanted so much to write that.

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Edited on 1ST May 2024

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