Lips pt.3

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Once they got to they're hotel they went to Mädchen's room and picked out a movie
Skeet- what movie do you want to watch ?
Mädchen- Give me a minute let me change out of my dress it's not really so comfortable (she lets out a chuckle)
Skeet- Okay (also chuckles) you look beautiful in that dress by the way
Mädchen- Thank you (she blushes a little and then heads over to her room)
———————Mädchen Returns——————
Skeet- Finally! I was bored out here
Mädchen- Sorry (giggles)
Skeet- it's okay,(giggles)
Mädchen- So what do you want to watch (plops down to the couch)
Skeet- Im not sure (sits down next to her on the couch)
Mädchen turns her head to look at skeet and skeet does the same they just stare at each other with heart eyes for a minute
Mädchen- I love you
Skeet- I love you too. so much
Mädchen leans in for a kiss and skeet smashes they're lips together
After making out for what felt like 5 minutes they parted for air
Mädchen maneuvers herself to his lap and started making out with skeet, skeet puts his hands on her sides and starts trailing kisses down her throat and neck she can feel his erection and that makes her impatient she grinds on him and he lets a low growl that spurs her on more he moves his hands to grab her ass and she can't hold out her moan
Mädchen- (completely out of breathe) bed
Skeet- lifts her up from her legs and carry's her to her bedroom Mädchen kicks the door shut and skeet lays her down on the bed
————————2 hours later———————
(Both completely out of breath, sweaty from there're very intense activities)
They both are so in love with each other.
Skeet- You were so good
Mädchen- (chuckles and kisses his temple) you too baby
Skeet- I love you
Mädchen- I love you too
With a smile on there faces they fell asleep together

Im sorry I took so long to update I was really busy because I just finished moving and i'm adjusting to London now so that's a crazy change from California but thank you his for liking this so much and let me know if you guys want another story and request some ideas please. LOVE YOU GUYS ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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