Chapter 7

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The next day Cody, Jason, and me mat at Cody's house. His parents won't bother us too much. So, we should be able to find this woman and hopefully save her if it's not too late.

So, what are we looking for? Cody asked.

A woman about 45 to 50 years old, long brown hair, moreen sweater, blue jeans, white, and green eyes, I said.

Cody typed it all up and started running his program. He added in missing and dead just in case there was a report. He also added in 4 states, besides Wyoming. He wanted to make sure we didn't miss a thing.

The program says this may take at least 4 hours, he said. I normally would take last time, but we are searching with a minimal number of keywords not counting the ones I added in.

Could you build a demon tracker too? I asked.

Sure, he said. Would you like a Santa and Easter Bunny tracker too?

I'm being serious, I said.

I know you are, he said. But I don't have any data on demons. So, it be hard to track them down.

Give me a few minutes, I said. I closed my eyes and called for the Shinigami.

*Hey, Shinigami*

*What is it, boy?*

*Is there anyway Cody could track down Demons?*

*You would need some energy from a demon*

*So, I would need to find a demon first, Thanks*

I opened up my eyes. Okay, I said. Shinigami told me I need to get energy from a demon, but I would need to find a demon first, of course.

Yeah, it's never that easy, Cody said.

No, it's not, I said.

We spent the last few hours playing video games and eating. Why we waited for Cody's program to finish searching.

After what felt like days, the program finally finish. A million or more searches showed up. When did you have the vision? Cody asked.

A week before we went to Sundance, I said.

I'm going to rerun the program with that, he said. It should be shorter this time.

He added in the new info and hit enter on his keyboard to start the search again. This time the program said a hour until complete. We just continue playing games until it was done.

Once a hour has pass the program stopped and said thousand searches was find. Cody opened up the searches and I looked on until I saw the woman from my vision. We was 666 searches in and I almost wanted to give up until Cody went to the 670th search and I saw the girl's picture.

Where is this image from? I asked.

It says from Facebook, He said.

So, it's not a missing person report? I asked.

No, he said. It's her Facebook page that the search find.

Her name was Luna Maxwell, age 43, wife and mother. See what she posted last, I said.

According to her Facebook the last post she made was August 15th 2019, Cody said. Its just a picture of a new dress.

So, it's been a month and almost a week, I said. since she disappeared.

There isn't any private messages? Jason asked.

Last private message was 3 months ago before the last post, Cody said. It was about taking a...He was just kind of frozen.

Taking a what? I asked.

It says she was planning to take a trip to Grease in August, he said. The 20th of August actually.

So, she may be in Grease right now, I said.

Yeah, he said. So, if she is there isn't much we can do about it.

Damn it, I said why slamming my fist into the wall.

Wo, claim down, Luke, Jason said.

Sorry, I said. Why would my vision be of a woman in Grease. I can't even save her if she is there.

I don't know, It was Shinigami.

I wish you did know, I said.

Luke? Jason said.

Oh, right you can't hear Shinigami, I said. He's talking to me.

Give me a few weeks and I think I will have a way that Jason and me can hear him, Cody said.

I like this kid, Shinigami said.

Shinigami is taking a liking to you, Cody, I said.

Um...Thanks, I think, Cody said.

Oh, I don't mean to creep him out, Shinigami said. I just mean you got a great friend that would help you out.

He said he doesn't mean to creep you out, I said. He's just glad I have a great friend like you that would help me out.

Oh, sure, Cody said.

I'm going to head home, Jason said.

Yeah, me too, I said. Give me a call when you get that thing up and running.

I will, Cody said.

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