Chapter 2

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Skylar's POV:

Well ever since I reunited with my boyfriend near the administration office obviously class had been in session.

Wasn't much of a surprise to see him running around school, when classes were still in.

Josh was always the one who skipped his classes, yet passed them with a decent grades.

Shocking, but true.

I was the one who struggled to get to the place where I'm at now. Although I will admit, I loved every single one except for Pre-Cal. That subject was the only one I really despised of. Math was never one of my strong suits to which I could be hubris about because later on, it would just bite me in the butt.

Plain and simple.

Right now though, I was in AP-Environmental Science, third period with Ms. Johnson. So far, I actually was starting to become very fond of her. She had blond hair with blue eyes. I found it to be a surprise that she wasn't married.

She'll find someone, I'm sure of it. I thought to myself. She was beautiful, she wasn't short, but also wasn't tall. She was thin, with a nice body.

I was jealous.

My body sucked, badly. I mean I was thin too, but I had no boobs what so ever, where as my teacher in this class had a rack. Now, I know I may be going into to much detail here with boobs, but mine are still in the A's and her's are most likely in the D's. As, I was taking notes, I noticed as I looked around the classroom, guys had been drooling from where their eyes had been.

Locked onto her breasts. My teacher was getting eye raped!

I looked at my teachers butt to compare mine to her own. Well my insecurity level went up.

I had a semi butt, but my teacher had the body of a woman who would win best body of the world award. Which, I'm pretty sure actually exist.

Since I knew what we were doing in class, my eyes began to wonder. I didn't have anyone in this class that was my 'Best' friend or anything. I guess you could say because the popular crowd wasn't what many people would call, 'Bright.'

And since this class was for smart people, I found it extremely disgusting to see all the 'brace face' people with nerdy glasses drooling over my teachers rack of flawlessness.

Animals, I scoffed.

But, then I noticed what they had been staring at this whole time now. She dropped the white board marker and guess what she did?!

She bent down! She didn't just bend down, her butt was facing the class.

No underwear.

I change my mind, I hate this teacher. Screw your nice behavior "Ms. Johnson" because I'm pretty damn sure you have two jobs. And I'm also pretty sure I know what the second one is!


Bell rang, before she even got a chance to stand up.

Why thank the lord, because I'm out a here. And I was.

Was the first person to leave.

You know, I'm pretty sure I was the only girl in that class too.



"Hey! Skylar! Is that you?!" I turned around, only to be tackled to the ground.

"Ow! What the fu-" I paused mid second before I was going to say something rude that I would most likely regret.

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