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  At Yunlan's office ,

Yunlan dropped Wei at studio and went to his office . There his secretary told him that he had a meeting with Da Qing from Da Industries at lunchtime .

Yunlan said ..." Okay and you can go back to your work " to the secretary. And the secretary left .

Yunlan smiled and thought today I'll tell  Da Qing about my feelings for Wei and together we will decide how to propose Wei nicely and beautifully that he can't say No to his proposal .

Yunlan thought Da is his  best friend from childhood and would be happy to help him to get Wei as a wifey .

During lunchtime ,

Qing came to Yunlan ' s office and knocked on his door . Yunlan was busy looking at his files , when he heard the knocking on the door .

He rised his head and saw Da Qing and smilingly said .... " Sorry ,   please come " .

Then Yunlan ordered his secretary to bring them their food from a 5 star restaurant for lunch .

After 15 mins  , secretary served them their food on Yunlan's office resting table and left for his work .

After 15 mins  , secretary served them their food on Yunlan's office resting table and left for his work

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He and Da started eating and drinking red wine and finalized some deals for benefit of their both companies .

After finishing lunch , Yunlan said to Da ..... " I want to tell you something and you have to help me . "

Da nodded agreed.

Yunlan said ..... " I love Wei and want to propose him . You have to help me in the planning and for the preparation . "

Listening Yunlan's words Da gets mad in his mind but kept a calm face infront of Yunlan .

He thinks Yunlan you can't get Wei cause the day I fell my eyes on Wei , I like him , no no I love him , so he can't be yours . He will only be mine and I'll guarantee it that he will not love you back .

Yunlan repeatedly called Da ' s name making him snapped out of his thoughts  and asked ... " What are you thinking , man ? "

Da just smiled and said ..." I was thinking how to make Wei fall for you ? That's all . "

Then Da requested Yunlan to tell every thing about Wei , what he likes , dislikes , every little details about him .

Listening to Yunlan's words Da decided from today he'll do everything to make Wei happy and to be his and smirked thinking what a fool , Yunlan is to think a snake like him to think as a best friend .

Da advised Yunlan... " You should proposed to Wei after few months later , so he can't say no to you ."

At first Yunlan was not agreed to it but Da showed several reasons and Yunlan finally agreed .

Da smiled silently as his planning is going well .

Yunlan said .... " Why do not we visit Wei at the studio during photoshoot , he will be happy to see us ? "

And they went towards Wei ' s studio .
During going to Wei , Yunlan and Da was talking about their companies and Wei .

Da was constantly asking Yunlan about Wei and Yunlan also telling him about the things Da want to know as he felt Da was seriously helping him to get Wei , so he is asking so many questions .

Da Qing on the other hand was listening to Yunlan' s  all planning and deciding how to destroy all the plans .

They continued they talking until they reached Wei ' s shooting studio and entered the studio after parking their car in the parking lot .  

Da first entered in the studio and then Yunlan .

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